Page 62 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

“Ibelieve you.”

Sable felt kind of ridiculous standing there wrapped up in a blanket from the foot of Hudson’s bed, clutching it closed with her good arm. Hudson was standing by her side like a bouncer with his arms crossed over his chest, ready to put the beat down on anyone who needed it.

So yeah, she felt silly but she was also about to cry because… Well, because no one had ever told her she was priceless. She’d always felt as though there was a price for her parents’ love and she’d never been able to fork over enough accomplishments, enough success, or prestige or anything else to make her feel as though she’d earned it.

Whereas that’s where Jethro had started. She didn’t have to prove anything to him. He loved her no matter what. No matter if she was thin or rich or she was grumpy or sweet. He just…flat out fucking loved her and wanted to protect her, wanted to make her happy.

When Jethro heard her voice, his head snapped around so fast she was worried he’d break his neck. Or strain it and then where would they be? The walking wounded.

She started toward him, shuffling a bit so she didn’t trip over the blanket that was dragging on the ground, but Jethro didn’t have any such impediments and vaulted over the couch to get to her quicker. Like he couldn’t stand not to touch her for the extra three seconds it would’ve taken him to walk around the damn thing.

When he reached her, he wrapped her in his arms and, careful of her shoulder, gave her a gentle squeeze while murmuring into her hair.

“I’m sorry, baby. So, so sorry. I’m sorry you had to hear that, I’m sorry it made you doubt how I feel about you. I’m sorry and I’ll do anything you need me to for you to believe me. I love you, so much, and I never want to let you go.”

Jethro was big and warm and the way he held her was like a cage. Not to lock her in, but to keep everything else out. She didn’t want to believe her father would try to exchange her for money, but it wasn’t all the surprising. Gross for sure, but not a shock. That’s how her parents always thought, always: in dollars. And they wouldn’t be able to understand the concept of priceless, even when it came to their own daughter.

“You should’ve told me what happened with Trent after her ran. Ian and Hudson explained it when I got here but I didn’t know and my mother, she finds any little thing to make me doubt myself. I should’ve thought to ask but…”

She shrugged. She could sometimes get so focused on work she’d barely remember to eat, but this week she’d just been a space cadet.

“I didn’t want you to worry. I just wanted it to be taken care of and for you to not have to think about that piece of shit ever again.”

“I know, but it’s so much easier for me to worry when you’re there than when you’re not.”

He huffed a laugh she could feel and gave her a little squeeze. “You’re right. I should’ve told you. I won’t keep things from you anymore. It makes me feel really good that you trust me to carry some of your worries. Anything else I can do? I’ll do anything for you.”

“Don’t let me go, Daddy, please. Promise you won’t, not ever.”

“Never, baby. You belong to me.”

Stupidly, that’s when she started to cry. It had all just been so much and she couldn’t hold it in any more.

“Oh, yes, that’s right, little miss. Daddy’s got you. You can cry as much as you like. Hand it all over to me, I’m going to help you carry it.”

His kind words made her shudder harder, big ugly sobs racking her body and fat blossoms of tears rolling down her cheeks.

Sable felt like she cried for hours, but Jethro never let her go, never told her to shush or stop crying. Just held her and petted her hair, rubbed her back.

Once she was all cried out, she put her hands to his solid chest and looked up at him.

“I’m a mess.”

He kissed her forehead and whispered into her skin, “Prettiest mess I’ve ever seen.”

“Daddy!” she scolded, smacking his chest.

“What, little miss? It’s true,” he said with a grin.

She scowled at him, even though she wasn’t mad, not at all.

“Can we go home now? I’m tired and hungry and I want a bath. Please.”

“Of course. There’s just one more thing I have to do.”

What could that possibly be? It wasn’t like—
