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Arthur was at her side in a second, holding her hand and stroking her hair. Nurse Marni wrapped a cuff around her wrist and stretched her arm to the end of the table where she clipped the cuff to yet another attachment point, and then Arthur let go of her hand just long enough for Nurse Marni to do the same with the other hand.

It was shockingly thrilling to be spread out like this. So much so that it was a little scary, even countered by the sweet way her daddy was comforting her and Nurse Marni was rubbing her back.

“Shh, princess. Doctor Eric is just going to take your temperature. We’re getting to the special part of the exam for little girls. Now be a good, obedient girl. I know you don’t want me to have to spank you at the doctor’s office, do you?”

No, she definitely did not want that. It would be even more humiliating to be spanked than to be pinned in this lewd position. Although not by much.

Out of the corner of her eye, Saoirse saw Doctor Eric lubing up what seemed like a larger-than-usual glass thermometer, and then Nurse Marni was prying her cheeks even further apart so Doctor Eric could apply some lube directly to her asshole.

Which yes, was mortifying in itself but also Saoirse could feel how wet she was between her legs. She was getting turned on by this so much—the bondage and the forced exhibitionism and the knowledge that she was about to have something pushed into her ass.Fuck.

“Okay, princess,” soothed Doctor Eric from behind her. “Just relax and breathe. I’m going to push this thermometer into your bottom and then we’re going to leave it there for five minutes in order to get the most accurate reading.”

She was going to have to be spread out with her ass in the air with a thermometer pushed into her back channel forfive whole minutes? Saoirse knew it was going to feel like hours. And it did.

But it was also sort of dreamy and hypnotizing in a way. She’d fantasized about scenarios like this, but this was even better—the way Daddy was petting her hair and stroking her cheek, Nurse Marni was rubbing circles on her back, and Doctor Eric was caressing her bottom.

It took her out of her head and all her worries. She felt as though she could hand over anything, everything, to these people. She wouldn’t have felt that way without Arthur there for sure, but with him—the six hands on her felt divine. Minutes turning into hours didn’t seem like such a terrible thing.

Eventually though, Doctor Eric did pat her backside and say, “I’m going to remove the thermometer now, princess. Just relax.”

As if he had to tell her to relax. She felt boneless, like someone could pour her out and she’d lie there in a puddle. When was the last time she’d been this relaxed? Ever?

“What a darling little girl you have, Arthur. She’s so sweet and well-behaved.”

It was nice to hear Nurse Marni give her a compliment. So often Saoirse felt as though she had to work her ass off to earn compliments. That if she wasn’t the best at all times that no one would want her. But here? All she had to do was be herself and follow gentle instructions. That was nice.

“That she is,” Arthur agreed, and then he gave her hair a little tug that shot arousal straight to her pussy. “Unless she’s being a stubborn little thing. Which she is often, but we’re working on it.”

“She’s probably not used to having someone who takes such good care of her. Once she accepts it I think she’ll settle down some,” Doctor Eric observed.

“I think so,” replied Arthur, “but she’s such a tough cookie and I would never want to lose that entirely.”

“Plus it’s a good excuse to spank her,” volunteered Nurse Marni, and all the grown-ups chuckled.

It was funny to think of them as grown-ups. Saoirse was well aware she was technically a grown-up. Had often been more of an adult than her mother had been, but she did feel little now. Small, wide-eyed, childlike. And no one here had any expectations of her otherwise.

“Saoirse, sweetheart?”

Doctor Eric was talking to her and the only reply she could manage was “Mmm?”

The adults laughed again and murmured amongst themselves. She probably should’ve been embarrassed. She was top of her class in trial advocacy and public speaking, had whipped the competition in moot court. She was articulate, dammit. Most of the time, apparently.

Nurse Marni separated her cheeks again and Doctor Eric rubbed some more lube over her hole and applied pressure like he was going to put his finger inside her. It was exciting but also embarrassing. Certainly made her come back to a fuller awareness.

“You’re going to receive an enema now. It might be a little uncomfortable but it’s not meant to be painful. It will clean out your bottom so we can do a more thorough exam. I’m going to insert the nozzle now so just relax those muscles for me. Oh, that’s a good girl.”

He pushed something into her ass that felt larger than the thermometer but not by much, and she mewled.

Her daddy hushed her though, held her hand and pressed his forehead to her temple to murmur to her.

“You’re okay, pretty girl. You’re being so well-behaved and I’m so pleased with you. Doctor Eric is just going to put some warm water in your belly. It’s going to make your tummy feel full but you won’t have to retain it for long. Just enough to get you cleaned out.”

Saoirse nodded and tried to breathe. Having the warm water flow into her wasn’t unpleasant exactly even though it was strange. She whimpered when her tummy started to cramp. “Daddy, it hurts.”

Arthur lifted his head to say something she couldn’t understand but the flow stopped and someone was rubbing the sides of her tummy and her back.

“Better, princess?”

She nodded, closed her eyes, and kept trying to breathe as the water started again. When it wasn’t uncomfortable, the enema was…kind of turning her on and she didn’t want to admit that. Who got turned on by having their ass filled up? Besides her, obviously.

But she was feeling swollen and squirmy and it didn’t help that she was strapped down and exposed and had a bunch of hands on her.

“Arthur,” she heard Doctor Eric say, “I think your little princess might be experiencing some arousal. I’m going to give the poor little thing some relief if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course,” her daddy said, and then she felt something pressed against her clit—her princess pearl. Big enough to press against her entrance as well. Saoirse opened her mouth to ask what it was but a split-second later as it buzzed to life, she knew.
