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Four Years Later

“Oh God, right there, Doctor Reed,” Skyler calls out just a little too loudly and I peek over my shoulder to make sure that no one happens to be around.

“Shhh, princess, there are people right outside,” I murmur against her ear as I glide my fingers over her slippery clit.

“You shhh. Make me come,” she sasses and I resist the chuckle sitting in my throat. Her eyes are squeezed together, her teeth dig into her bottom lip as she thrusts her hips onto my fingers while she holds her gown up around her waist. Her cap had long fallen to the floor the second I slammed her against the wall of the stairwell in the law building, a place where we’d had sex more than a few times over the years. Even after I’d quit working for Camden Graf, we would sneak in here and relive our forbidden trysts when the mood struck, or when Skyler was drunk.

“I fucked you twice this morning, and ate your pussy in the shower; how are you still this horny?” I chuckle in her ear as she rides my fingers and chases the orgasm that is only a few seconds away. I know why, I’m just trying to probe it out of her.

Skyler Mitchell, my former student and also the love of my life, is pregnant. And evidently my cock is her biggest consistent craving.

We are having a baby.

Skyler was ready to get pregnant the second we got back together, and while I was in a place in my life that I was also ready, I wanted her to get through school first. So, after basically forcing her down and making her get an IUD since she proved to be the absolute worst at remembering to take her pills, she agreed to wait until after graduation. Somehow, that turned into having it removed early during winter break because “even if I get pregnant now, I still won’t give birth until after graduation.”

My dick, who only heard that I was able to come inside Skyler with no protection whatsoever was in total agreement.

“Are you complaining?” She raises an eyebrow at me cheekily. “I thought you liked making me come.”

“I live to make you come, Skyler. I just know you. And you’re keeping something from me.” I stop fingering her, knowing that this conversation isn’t one we can have while I’m knuckle deep inside of her. “And we have to get out there. Commencement starts in ten minutes.” My fingers find my lips and I suck her essence from them greedily. My eyes peek out of the window that is over Skyler’s head. Parents, students, and faculty have begun taking their seats for the ceremony.

“You’re keeping something from me too,” she answers, without a care in the world that her college graduation starts in ten minutes and she is nowhere near her assigned seat. The College of Justice ceremony is just outside of the law building on the lawn, so we wouldn’t have to go far, but I am sure her parents are looking for her, the way that Serena has been blowing up her phone since we snuck away. Fuck, Skyler’s parents will murder me if we’re late.

My mind goes back to her comment about keeping something from her. I know she knows. I tried my hardest to keep a secret, but Skyler is just so Goddamn nosy and she can read me like a book. It’s hard to live with someone and keep a secret from them when they can read it all over your face. I actually think one of the times I was going to look at rings, I told her I was going to have lunch with my mother—my mother, who lives in Boston.

I narrow my eyes at her. “So, we both have secrets then…”

“Is it a secret when I know what it is?” She puts her hands on her hips

“Is it if I know too?” I quip.

She gasps but immediately shuts her mouth. “You don’t know anything.” She narrows her eyes at me.

“Oh? Let’s just say for argument’s sake, that I don’t notice that you haven’t had your period this month…or last month,” I shrug. “But, my little lush, I haven’t seen you consume one drop of alcohol in weeks. And while I know you’ve been studying your ass off, I do know that you wouldn’t pass on the multiple tequila shots I did last night with your sister and your father.”

She huffs and stomps her foot. “You’re a dick!”

I chuckle, but I know it’s time to nip this in the bud. Skyler can find a way to surprise me for our next baby. “Is that any way to talk to the father of your child?”

“You know I love tequila. You don’t even like tequila! You were just trying to torture me because you know I can’t have it!” She pouts but I don’t miss the smile that plays on her lips.

“Baby…” I cock my head to the side and the tears fill her eyes instantly.

“How long have you known?”

“A couple weeks.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought you’d come to me!” I push her against the wall and raise her gown as well as her dress underneath to press my hands to her soft, bare skin. “Say it.”

She smiles through her tears and all thoughts that maybe she isn’t as excited about having a baby as I am, go out the window. “We’re having a baby.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat as I stare down at this woman who’s changed me in so many ways. I lift her off the ground and hold her tight against me. I press my forehead to hers and let out a breath.

My hand finds her arm and I rub her tattoo, a gesture we’ve both started doing when things are intense and we can’t find the words.

La vita va avanti.

Life goes on.

And now we’ve created new life.

“Skyler.” I’m not sure if it’s the news that Skyler and I are going to be parents. Or maybe it’s because it’s her graduation day and I’m planning to ask her tonight anyway. Or maybe it’s because we’re back in the building where our romance began, but the words fall from my lips before I can stop them.

“Mi vuoi sposare?”

Will you marry me?

The End.
