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She bounces a few times as that perfect little bottom of hers hits the bed, peeling her shirt and bra off in between. Before she lies down, I have her leggings down her legs and my head between them. She’d forgone underwear in her haste to get dressed, leaving me with her folds on display, which were already glistening with her arousal. I lie between her legs and push my nose through them, tickling her clit with my nose. She shudders beneath me and runs her hand through my hair. “You’re so sweet. I’ll never tire of this,” I whisper into her skin.

I spread her legs, digging my fingertips into her thighs as I mercilessly lick through her folds. Her hands pull hard, pulling at the roots of my hair, and I groan out of both pain and pleasure. I feel her pelvis rising up and down in time with my tongue as if she’s literally fucking my face, which only succeeds in making my painfully hard cock even harder. The sounds coming out of her are almost guttural as I hear my name escaping her lips over and over like a prayer. I feel the moment her orgasm wracks her petite frame, her folds quivering around my tongue and her body shuddering over and over.

Ava has told me how perfect I am, how much I turn her on, how good I make her feel, but nothing could prepare me for the words that leave her lips at the peak of her orgasm. “Fuck, I love you so much,” she moans, and I freeze, my tongue mid-lick as my eyes dart to hers. She must know what she’s said because her eyes fly open and meet mine. I sit up slightly, the bottom half of my face covered in her juices as she looks away nervously before her eyes flick to mine.

I shoot her a half-smile. “Hey, it’s okay.” I reach up and rub her cheek in an effort to alleviate the pink tint.People say things when they’re on the brink of orgasm. The moment where you momentarily lose control of all your senses. I’ve never told a woman I’ve loved her during sex, but I may have promised one or two women my firstborn.

I’m sure Ava will be thrilled to hear that.

Getting ahead of yourself there, Walsh. Who says she’ll be giving you any borns?

She signals me closer to her and lies on her side. I lie next to her as her hand runs up my arm and finds my cheek. “I’ve loved you for so long, Jackson Walsh.” She smiles, and my heart skips a beat. “Before I really understood what love was. I was so young but you were like— a God. Then you left…and I knew you had to, but it still hurt.” I’m stunned by her admission, and it kills me that I ever caused this woman I love so deeply any type of pain. “Don’t mistake what I’m saying.” She chuckles. “I haven’t spent the last twelve years pining over you. I got over it and you. But now…,” she trails off and runs her hand through my hair. “I love much. Not in the ten-year-old crush way, but the true love way.”

She loves me.

I don’t even try to hold myself back from attacking her and pouring everything I can into the kiss. The kiss is urgent. Sloppy. Wet. Sensual. It’s all teeth and tongues, and at one point I feel her teeth bite down on my bottom lip. I melt into the kiss, pouring all of the love I have for this woman into it, both of us reaffirming our professions of love.

I don’t know how long we are at it, but when we finally pull away, her lips are swollen, red and glossy from the mixture of our saliva. I feel her hands at my belt, and I help her slide my pants and underwear down to free the painfully hard erection I’ve been sporting since I tasted her arousal.

I trail my hands up her torso to find her breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers. They pebble instantly, and I look up to see her staring down at me through hooded eyes. “You don’t even know the possession I feel for you knowing I have something no one else has. To know that you’ve only ever belonged to me in this way.” The feeling is so contradictory. I go back and forth between wanting to show her off to the world, knowing that she’s mine and only mine, and keeping her locked away for my eyes only. There’s only one word that’s the same in both scenarios--mine.

She wraps her legs around my waist and rubs her folds against my cock, and just like that,I’m home.

Ava and I must have fallen asleep post-sex because when I wake up, she’s cuddled against me. Her head is resting on my chest, her hand splayed just under my shoulder blade, and her leg is threaded through mine, her naked pussy pressed against my thigh. I blink my eyes a few times as I try to chase away the last few moments of sleep. I try to move out from under a sleeping Ava, but she just whimpers and grips me tighter. I take a moment to look at the true beauty of the woman in my arms.

It’s just before dusk, which means I can still make out Ava’s features in the low lighting of my bedroom. The orange hue of the sunset bounces off the white walls and casts a glow over Ava’s naked body. The streams of light make shapes against her porcelain skin. I trace my finger along her arm, following the pattern.

I smile as a sigh escapes her slightly parted lips in response to my touch. My gaze leaves her mouth and journeys up her face to her eyes, her long lashes fanning out over her skin. The smile fades just as fast as I think about my best friend, God-knows-where, angrily cursing me for not telling him the truth.

I should have told him.

I should have been honest about my feelings for Ava.

I somehow manage to pull out from Ava’s grasp and slip out of the room without waking her up. I walk into the bathroom, putting my phone to my ear as I call Tucker’s number. I pinch the bridge of my nose, willing the headache away as I think about all the routes this conversation could take. There are a few different scenarios playing through my mind, but I’m stunned when I get his voicemail.

He’s really pissed.

“Tucker…,” I trail off, wondering what I’m even going to say. “Call me,” I tell him simply before I hang up the phone. I drop the phone from my ear as I wonder if I sacrificed my relationship with my best friend for the woman I love.

I wouldn’t take it back. But-- is Tucker really not going to be able to get past this?

My eyes find the sink as I stare at Ava’s pink toothbrush next to mine in the holder.Something so simple, so domestic, and yet I can’t stop the smile from crossing my face at the level of intimacy it means.My mind recalls all the times I’ve watched her brush her teeth in the morning, her hair still tousled from sleep, her long, toned legs peeking out from my Harvard Business School shirt that she sleeps in, and the way her ass peeks out from under the shirt as she leans over to spit.

It’s all so-- real.

I walk down the stairs, leaving Ava to sleep off the rest of her sex-induced slumber, and I’m shocked when I find my best friend sitting on my couch eating pizza and watchingSports Center.

I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest. “You’re looking real comfortable in my living room, all things considering.”

He doesn’t even look at me as he raises his middle finger. “Don’t make me hit you again.”

“You do, and you got one coming back, asshole.”

He mutes the television and props his feet up on my fifteen hundred dollar coffee table like he owns it. “How long has this been going on?”

I let out a sigh before crossing the room. I sit down in the adjacent seat as not to be within arm’s reach of Tucker. “A couple months.”

“And you hid this shit from me for that long?”
