Page 74 of Always Been You

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Four Years Later

The air leaves my lungs when I take in the vision in front of me. Adorned in a long white dress that conforms to her slender body, I want to drop to my knees and worship at her feet. She’s undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” she squeals as Monica tries to shoo me out of the room. Her eyes are brimming with tears but I can’t be sure if it’s because I’m here seeing her in her wedding dress and she wanted to wait or because she’s overwhelmed by the fact that she’s marrying me today.

“Monica, give us a second.”

“James, her makeup and hair are perfect.” Monica, who is dressed in a sapphire blue maid of honor dress, says as she pushes against my chest to try and get me out of the room.

“Monica, out,” I growl at her as I make my way towards Gabrielle who also happens to be my future wife. My cock jerks in my pants thinking about marrying Gabrielle which is happening within the next ten minutes. The sound of the door clicking lets me know that we’re alone and I’m in front of her instantly.

“Wow. You’re a vision.”

“You’re not supposed to be here!” she says as my lips find her neck.

“Says who?”

She grips my forearms and takes a step back. “Tradition!”

“Okay, so we’re going with what’s traditional now, future Mrs. Calloway?” I say emphasizing her last name which happens to be the same as mine. She grabs the table behind her and I take a step closer to her. “Is your pussy wet?” I’m back in front of her. “I know how much it turns you on when I call you that.” For the past few months, whenever I’ve made any reference to our upcoming nuptials, particularly while we’re being intimate she loses her mind. She bites her lip and nods her head up and down.

“We can’t do that right now but I am glad you’re here.” While my cock is disappointed that it won’t be inside her one more time before we tie the knot, I am thrilled that she’s happy to see me. “I always pictured you being in here with me the day I got married. Talking me off the ledge, but I never expected you’d be the groom.”

“Do I need to talk you off the ledge? Because let me tell you, this guy you’re marrying is a great guy, Gab. I’ve never seen a man love a woman the way he loves you,” I joke, trying to relieve the tension in case she actually is having cold feet, but she shakes her head.

“I don’t need to be convinced you’re the man for me.”

I grab her hand and rub a finger over her engagement ring. “I can’t wait to start this life with you.”

One Year Later

“God, J this fucking HURTS,” I scream as I go into my tenth hour of labor and another contraction rips through me. “Please just fucking kill me.” I squeeze his hand, and like the absolute gem he is, he lets me all but break every bone, for the third time.

“I love you and you’re doing so well baby. I’m so proud of you.” He kisses my temple and brings my hand that is currently crushing his to his lips.

“Stop being so fucking perfect,” I scream. “It’s so annoying,” I grit out and I hear the nurse in the corner of the room chuckle.

“Okay, Gabrielle, I need another big push because I think this baby is ready to make its entrance!” our Doctor says. The second James and I got married I flushed my birth control and about three minutes later I was pregnant. Now, here we were about to bring our son into the world. James Michael Calloway Jr.

“Do you hear that baby, just one more push.” His hand cups my face, and he leans in to whisper, “Come on, sweetheart. You got this. Do it for Daddy.”

I glare at him, knowing where he’s going with this. “That is what got us here in the first place!” I cry. “Oh Godddddd, who decided this!? Who the fuck invented childbirth!?” I cry.

“Don’t say fuck, our son is almost here.” I can hear the sexy sternness in his voice and while usually I get off on that, now is really not the fucking time. I raise my middle finger in response.

“Okay, baby is coming. Come on Gabrielle, you ready to meet your baby?” The doctor looks up at me from between my legs.

I nod several times, tears already rolling down my face at the thought of finally getting to meet the little person who’s lived inside me for nine months. Even if he did use my bladder like a trampoline. James is holding my hand and presses his lips to my cheek. “I love you, angel. Thank you for doing this. For making our family complete, yet again.”

I turn towards him, my heart literally feeling like it could burst from the love I have for this man and also the one inside me. And seconds before our party of two becomes a party of three I press a kiss to his lips. “I love you more, James. Always.”

The End
