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While the duke set her crutches out of the way, Rebecca sat and then turned to Susan. “How did this happen so quickly?” she asked in a barely audible voice.

“You recall the loathsome man I mentioned in my first letter?” Susan said with a sly grin. “That loathsome man is now your brother-in-law. And I amentirelysmitten.”

Somehow, Rebecca managed to keep her mouth from falling open. “He’s—” She gestured at him with a glance of her eye.

“Indeed, he is, and he knows that’s what I thought of him,” Susan replied. “But then, he referred to me as a harpy, so I suspect we’re even on that score.”

Rebecca snorted, requiring her to cover her mouth and nose with her hand to hide the sound. Then she began to giggle, unable to stifle herself. Luckily, the duke had been briefly waylaid by Lucas.

When he finally returned to the chaise longue, Rebecca had her wits about her again, although he apparently noticed a twinkle in her eye that hadn’t been there before. “Ah,” he said, still with that serious look on his face. “It would appear the Duchess of Aylesham has been sharing a bit of our abbreviated courtship with you.” He fingered his quizzing glass, one eyebrow cocked upward, and Rebecca froze, certain he was perturbed. And then he winked at her.

Susan smiled beatifically at them both.

And Rebecca marveled at the changes that had occurred in her sister over the space of three weeks.

* * *

That evening after supper, Susan and Aylesham asked if they could speak to Rebecca privately.

“Certainly,” Rebecca said, curious as to what the conversation might be about.

Aylesham led them to a corner of the parlor away from where the rest of the family was gathered. Once they were comfortably seated, the duke cleared his voice. “As you know, my bride and I plan to return to London in a week’s time.”

“Yes,” Rebecca said. It was a week that she expected would fly by swiftly for everyone.

“We would like for you to travel with us to London and spend time with us there,” he continued.

Rebecca hardly knew what to say. Their offer was completely unexpected, especially since her ankle wasn’t fully healed.

“Oh, I hope you will say yes,” Susan added, reaching to take Rebecca’s hand in her own and giving it a little squeeze.

“For you see,” the duke said, fingering his quizzing glass, “I owe you a great deal, and I would not have you sacrifice the entire Season when there is still much to be enjoyed.”

“You won’t have to worry about your ankle during the journey either,” Susan added, apparently reading Rebecca’s mind. “Aylesham’s coach is well-sprung and newer than Papa’s. You won’t be put at any risk traveling in such luxury. And we shall have a week or so of fittings with Madame Veronique, for youmusthave a lovely wardrobe, and we shall invite Lady Walmsley to join us—I’m certain you will adore her as much as I do—and you can attend a few musicales and at-home entertainments while your ankle mends. After that, Aylesham and I are agreed that we shall host a ball in your honor. Are we not, Aylesham?”

“Indeed, we are,” Aylesham replied.

“But only if you wish,” Susan added. “We will not force this upon you if you’d rather wait until next year.” She leaned closer to Rebecca. “But if you are to agree to join us, we shall be able to enjoy some of the Season together after all—just think of it!”

“I shouldn’t wish to impose upon newlyweds . . .” Rebecca started to say before stopping. “It is a generous offer; truly, I am grateful. Right now, however, I feel so clumsy; I’m not sure about putting you both through the time and expense of such an invitation. Please allow me time to think on it.”

“Of course you may think on it,” Susan said, giving Rebecca a hug. “But I dearly hope that when you are done thinking, you will agree to join us. You shan’t be imposing at all. Oh, I shouldloveto share your first introduction to London with you, as we had planned—except not precisely as we had planned.” She glanced adoringly—not for the first time—at the Duke of Aylesham, who smiled dotingly back.

Could Rebecca tolerate being around so much affection were she to accept their invitation? It was rather astonishing to see her previously avowed spinster sister in such a romantic state.

Accepting their invitation would mean leaving Ben.

“Come,” Aylesham said after a pause. “Let’s join the others. We need no answer from you this evening, my dear little sister.” He seemed pleased that he could refer to her in such a manner. “I daresay you could change your mind several times between now and when we leave.”

“Notthat you should,” Susan added. “For once you agree to return with us, I shall endeavor to make sure youdon’tchange your mind.”

“Nonetheless,” the duke added reassuringly.

He assisted Rebecca to her feet, and they rejoined the rest of the family.

“Well?” Mama asked, obviously already knowledgeable of the invitation just offered to her.

“She has agreed to think about it,” Susan said.
