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Mama nodded.

Rebeccashouldagree to go to London with Susan and Aylesham. It would be diverting, which was precisely what she needed. She would be able to avoid making a nuisance of herself around Ben, if the occasion were to arise. But she was afraid if she did leave Alderwood, even if only for the few remaining weeks of the height of the Season, that a part of her heart would perish within her.

What a fickle girl she was! This was precisely what she’d longed for and had grieved for after her injury. And now she was hesitating to go.

At least they had given her time to make her decision.

* * *

Ben was not inclined to spend the entire day at the fete planned for the newlyweds; he doubted he could keep a cheerful facade for that long. But he at least needed to make an appearance during the afternoon activities and congratulate the bride and groom, and he must attend the banquet and entertainments that evening.

Thankfully, when he arrived, he was directed around the manor house to the grounds beyond and was able to immediately discern that the afternoon activities were primarily intended for the villagers and the youth, which included the grandchildren of Lord and Lady Thurlby. Lucas and Isaac were involved in a game of cricket that was well underway with several villagers, and Ben could see that most of the family was mingling with their guests. A buffet table nearby offered baked desserts and punch. The weather was brisk but pleasant, which was undoubtedly fortunate for everyone involved, otherwise the festivities would have required moving indoors, and that would have created a huge crush and a great deal of chaos.

As he gazed about further, he spied activities for the children. A game of lawn bowls was in progress, as was pall mall. The youngest of the children were seated together in a safe spot near some trees, away from any errant cricket balls, and were laughing uproariously at Arthur Drake, who was comically hopping about and waving his arms, apparently enacting some hilarious scene.

There was a large number of people present this afternoon, and if they weren’t involved in one of the games, they were clustered together in various groups, chatting. Ben had met only a few of the people present this afternoon, and he should undoubtedly be sociable and allow himself to be introduced to others, but this afternoon, he simply wished to do what etiquette required and no more and then leave.

The first order of business, therefore, was to congratulate the happy couple. They were easy to locate, as they were greeting guests in the courtyard that was part of the formal gardens.

He inserted himself into the crowd that surrounded the couple and waited for his opportunity to wish them well.

At length, it was his turn.

“Many felicitations to the bride and groom,” he said, bowing to the duke and the new duchess.

“Winton, my good fellow,” Aylesham replied. “What a surprise it was when my duchess told me of her new neighbor and I realized I was acquainted with the gentleman.” He turned serious. “I haven’t had the opportunity to offer my condolences on the death of your wife. Lady Winton was taken at too young an age. Much too young. A great loss to you, I’m sure.” He glanced at his new bride with affection, surprising affection, actually, considering the duke’s reputation for being aloof.

“Thank you,” Ben said. He had no desire to say any more than that when it came to the deceased Lady Winton. He turned his attention to the former Miss Susan Jennings and bowed over her offered hand. “Congratulations to you, Duchess. I wish the both of you long lives full of happiness.”

“Thank you, Lord Winton,” she said. “And may I say that I was equally surprised to learn that our new friend, Mr. Fortescue, was actually an earl.” She looked an entirely different woman than the elder sister he’d met during his first couple days in Lower Alderwood. In fact, both bride and groom looked as if a few years had been shaved off of them, so enamored and joyful they seemed. It all felt foreign to Ben.

“I hope you will forgive me for my slight deception,” he said to the duchess.

“I don’t know that hiding such a title would constitute a ‘slight’ deception, but it was certainly diverting when I discovered the truth,” she said. “I do thank you for the aid you have offered Rebecca while I’ve been in London. Have you spoken to her yet this afternoon?”

“I—no, I haven’t,” Ben said. “I have not been here long and thought to congratulate you both first.”

“You must find her,” the duchess said. “She has some rather exciting news I’m sure she’d love to share with you.”

“I will do so, then,” Ben said, even though he wasn’t entirely sure he meant it.

“Do you have plans to travel to London at any point this Season?” Aylesham asked. “With the end of the war with France and the abdication of Bonaparte, there is much to do in the House of Lords. Your presence would be a welcome one.”

“I’m honored, Your Grace. Thank you,” Ben said. “I will consider your words. For the present, however, I have thought it better to remain here in Lower Alderwood.”

“Indeed?” the duke said. He looked around as though to try to determine what could keep Ben in Lincolnshire when he could be of more use in London. Perhaps the duke was right in questioning him, if those were indeed his thoughts. But Ben wasn’t ready for London. Not by half.

Susan was studying his face closely, so Ben smiled at her. “I must say, you are looking radiant, Duchess,” he said, hoping to redirect the conversation.

“Thank you,” she said. “To my utmost surprise, marriage seems to agree with me.”

“Do consider returning to London, Winton,” Aylesham said, shifting the conversation back to where it had been. “There is still much to be done to ensure victory over France. And then, there are the pesky Americans to be dealt with.”

“I promise to consider your words carefully,” Ben said.

“That is all I ask,” Aylesham said.

Ben bowed to the duke and the duchess and moved into the mingling crowd so others could offer their congratulations. It was time for him to leave. He had already had his fill of happy brides and grooms for the moment. He had told the new duchess he would find Rebecca so she could share a piece of exciting news with him, and he would eventually, but not right now. Her news would have to wait.
