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“What’s this all about?” Madame Veronique entered the dressing room. “It appears I arrived a bit too late to be in on the joke. Ah, Mimi, here you are. Good choice of the blue. It brings out Miss Jennings’s eyes; they shine rather like sapphires.”

Sophie and Rebecca shared a knowing look, and Rebecca watched Sophie bite her lip to keep from giggling in front of her employer.

“Just a few pins here at the shoulders and then at the bodice should do it,” Mimi said.

“Hmm.” Madame Veronique studied Rebecca from head to foot. “Perhaps we should remove a bit of fulness from the skirt since Miss Jennings is a rather slender young lady. Just the tiniest amount, and then she will look like a Greek nymph but will still be able to dance freely and feel unconfined. Yes.” She nodded her satisfaction. “But before that, let’s bring you out into the shop so that the Duchess of Aylesham and the Lady Walmsley may see what a vision you are in a Madame Veronique creation.” She spoke the last part of that sentence in her faux French accent again and winked at Rebecca as she did so.

Rebecca chuckled. Perhaps Susan and Aylesham making it possible for her to come to London had been the right choice after all.

She ignored the image of Ben’s own blue eyes that flashed through her mind and followed Madame Veronique into the main part of the shop.

* * *

“How are you feeling today?” Susan asked Rebecca the following morning when Rebecca arrived at the breakfast room. She had slept in later than she usually did at home and had arrived after Susan had already filled her plate from the sideboard and was sipping her tea.

“I believe the two days in the carriage and a full day yesterday seeing the doctor and being draped with all sorts of fabrics finally caught up with me,” Rebecca said. “I slept soundly all night and, obviously, longer than I usually do.”

“That doesn’t come as a surprise,” Susan said. “You sit. I’ll dish your food for you. I’m glad you were able to sleep.”

Rebecca glanced at the footman standing next to the sideboard, looking for all the world as though he’d expected to dish the food. “Shouldn’t he . . . ?” Rebecca murmured as she sat and set her crutches down.

“I’m letting him rest before he removes the dishes back to the kitchen,” Susan replied.

Rebecca watched the footman try to maintain a straight face.

“They’re still getting used to having an unconventional duchess in their midst,” Susan said in a stage whisper, making it even more difficult for the struggling footman to maintain his composure. “How hungry are you?”

“Famished,” Rebecca said.

“That’s the country girl in you,” Susan said. “It’s more fashionable to nibble and starve in Town, I daresay. I’m still a country girl too.” She pointed at her own plate on the table, which was indeed full of delicious-looking food. “I’m going to serve you a bit of everything; Cook is exceedingly talented, not that we ever suffered for want of tasty food at home. But this way you will be able to determine your favorites going forward. Anything you don’t wish to eat, you may certainly leave on your plate.”

The footman, despite Susan’s comments, did pour Rebecca a cup of tea before returning to his post. Susan then placed a plate laden with all sorts of delicacies in front of Rebecca, the mixed aromas wafting from them and tantalizing her.

Her stomach growled. She pressed her hand into it and looked at Susan with mortification.

Susan laughed, and the footman turned his head to the side of the room away from them, no doubt to mask his own amusement. “Despite having the urge to take the time to enjoy our breakfast, we must eat quickly, little sister,” Susan said before taking a bite of eggs. “I have already heard from Madame Veronique this morning.” She lifted a small note that had been resting on the corner of the table and showed it to Rebecca. “Madame and her assistants have been busy little bees since yesterday afternoon, altering day dresses they already had in their shop to fit you. I’m certain they have already received my reply inviting them over this afternoon so they may bring what they have ready and so Madame can also have you try on at least one evening gown for a final fitting, and if we’re lucky, maybe two. I hope you don’t mind that I replied in the affirmative to them without consulting you first. What say you? Are you up to another encounter with our illustrious Madame Veronique and her seamstresses?”

“Oh yes!” Rebecca said, feeling invigorated.

“Pardon me, Your Grace,” a different footman said upon entering the breakfast room and standing just inside the door.

Susan took another bite of eggs.

“Ahem,” Rebecca said softly.

“Oh! You were addressing me,” Susan said with a laugh. “I’m not quite used to the whole ‘Your Grace’ business yet, as you can only imagine,” she murmured to Rebecca. “Yes, what is it?” she said to the footman.

“A large amount of post arrived this morning, and it was deemed I should inform you that such was the case so you would be able to factor that into your plans for the day,” the footman said.

“‘A large amount of post,’” Susan repeated. “I suppose that means word has already spread that the Duke of Aylesham and his duchess are back in Town. I daresay the news has already spread that the duchess brought her sister to Town too. What do you think?”

“I highly doubt the number of letters and invitations you received today have anything to do with me,” Rebecca said. “I suspect London Society hasn’t gotten enough of Aylesham and his bride.”

“You may be right,” Susan said. She turned her attention back to the footman. “Please have the post taken to the yellow dayroom. And when Madame Veronique and her assistants arrive, please have them join us there.”

The footman nodded and left.

“It seems I’m also going to be replying to a great deal of letters and invitations today,” Susan said. “I should like to have you with me when I do so that we may discuss what invitations appeal to you the most. I wish I knew more of the members of theton. I’m afraid I need assistance in making those decisions, and George has already left for the House of Lords. Perhaps—”

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