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Chapter 15

Rebecca slept soundly that nightand didn’t awaken until early afternoon. She had stored up so much anticipation in preparation for her come-out ball that now that it was over, her entire body had relaxed into a deep and profound sleep.

It was also as though her heart had finally been able to set her anguish and anxieties over Ben to rest as well, she thought as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms.

She felt rested and invigorated and utterly happy.

There was a subtle knock at the door right before it opened a bit. “Ah, you’re finally awake, miss,” Mary said after peeping through the door and then entering. “The duchess said to let you sleep as long as you like, even if you didn’t wake up until tomorrow.” She crossed to the windows and drew back the curtains, allowing radiant daylight to spill into the room. “Breakfast has been cleared away, as you might imagine,” Mary continued. “But I’ll bring you a nice cup of chocolate and some toast, if that is to your liking.”

“Toast and chocolate sound lovely,” Rebecca said. “Thank you.”

“And one more thing.” Mary reached into the pocket of her apron and drew out a letter. “This arrived about an hour ago. The messenger wished to wait for a reply, but he was told that you were not to be disturbed and you’d reply as soon as you were able.”

Oh dear. Rebecca quickly broke the seal on the letter, suddenly worried that Ben would not be calling today after all. She scanned his words quickly, then read them a second time before she was able to relax again.

Mary was looking at her with concern.

“It’s all right, Mary.” Ben’s note explained that something had indeed arisen that would not allow him to call today after all, but he asked if she would call upon him instead. “Hmm. Would you please tell the duchess I’m awake and would like to speak with her as soon as possible?”

“Certainly, miss,” Mary said. “And I’ll bring up that toast and chocolate right away as well.”

“Thank you, Mary,” Rebecca said.

After Mary left, Rebecca sank back into the pillows on her bed and reread the letter from Ben.

I have promised you a full explanation, but certain events transpired today that lead me to believe the explanation will make more sense if you were to hear it at Winton House.

Rebecca couldn’t imagine why a location would have any bearing upon his explanation, but she decided to trust Ben at his word.

There was another subtle knock on the door. “Yes?” Rebecca asked.

The door opened slightly. “It’s Susan. Apparently, you summoned me.”

“Yes.” Rebecca sat upright in bed and threw her legs over the side before she reached for her dressing gown. “Come in. I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Indeed,” Susan said. “I believe that is one of the things elder sisters are for.” She entered Rebecca’s room and sat next to her on the side of the bed. “What is it?”

Rebecca briefly described the conversation she’d had with Ben during their waltz and the promise he’d made. “But now he writes and tells me that ‘events,’ as he calls them, have occurred that he believes mean his answers will make more sense if I call upon him at Winton House. At three o’clock. Will you go with me?”

“Absolutely,” Susan said. “It all sounds rather intriguing, and I’m all for being included in that!” She stood. “We shall take ourselves off to Winton House for the unfolding of the great, mysterious explanations of the life of Benjamin Fortescue, Lord Winton. I cannot imagine a more diverting way to spend the afternoon.”

“He wishes to court me in a proper manner,” Rebecca said softly.

Susan sat back down and clutched Rebecca’s hand. “Of course he does, my dear. He’s an intelligent man. And honorable. George and I had both discerned that about him already.”

“That means a lot to me, especially coming from you and Aylesham,” Rebecca said.

“It’s more than George would say about some of the other gentlemen moving about in Society. Oh, speaking of which, there are more bouquets of flowers for you in the parlor.”

“That is one aspect of my Season that I didn’t anticipate,” Rebecca said. “So many flowers!” She’d already sent several thank-you cards for the first ones that had arrived. “It is difficult to find the words to express one’s thanks while also not giving the impression one wishes to further the acquaintance—at least with some of the gentlemen.”

“It seems to me your comment now applies to everyone who is not Benjamin Fortescue, the illustrious Earl of Winton,” Susan said.

“Stop it, you tease!” Rebecca said, grinning.

“Regardless, I daresay it’s the truth,” Susan said. “Ah, here’s Mary now with your tray. I shall leave so you may eat. I suggest you do so quickly if we are to make it by three o’clock since you have been a sleepyhead today. In the meantime, I am going to practice my most austere, intimidating duchess expressions in the mirror so I may set Lord Winton back on his heels and shaking in his boots before he speaks with you. This newfound power of mine as duchess is rather heady, you know?”

“Oh, Susan,” Rebecca said, laughing and shaking her head.
