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“But only so I would not be embarrassed. They will understand.”

“They will reach the conclusion that we are not who we claim to be, and they will be correct. You will have exchanged a gently raised bride and her eccentric relatives and friend for three actors and a costume maker. Your family is respectable, Lucas. We are not.”

“You are utterly respectable and honorable in my eyes, Lavinia. Delia and Artie are a trifle eccentric, I’ll grant you, but also kind, and Hannah is true and loyal. My familywillunderstand.” He cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Lavinia,” he said softly.

“Yes?” She could barely utter the word.

He brought his face close to hers, close enough that she could feel hisbreath mingle with hers, and her heart quickened. “May I kiss you?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

His mouth found hers.

Lavinia had never experienced such heaven. He gave of himself and, at the same time, received from her, never taking. Eventually, and far too soon, he drew back and simply held her. He demanded nothing, not even her words, and for that she was relieved and exceedingly grateful. She couldn’t have found the words to express what she was feeling.

They remained that way for several minutes before Lucas finally spoke in a barely audible voice. “I watched the war in Spain turn men into animals,” he said. “War is a terrible business for everyone involved, but it is the women and children who suffer most, I think.”

He rested his head against hers. “I witnessed firsthand, Lavinia, what women are subjected to by selfish, unthinking men. It angered me. I resolved even further to be a champion of the gentler sex. My brothers and I were reared to respect womanhood and motherhood by our father, who has always loved our mother. I have sisters and nieces, and I would do violence to any man who ill-used one of them.

“I desire you, Lavinia; I cannot lie. But I also care deeply for you. I have feared that you have been subjected to such ungentlemanly treatment. And yet I have done the same by pulling you unwittingly into my ruse.”

“It is not the same, Lucas,” she said. “It is not nearly the same.”

“It is to me,” he whispered. “And I will make it right. I promise you that.”

She raised her head. “Lucas, will you kiss me again?” she asked.

“Gladly,” he said.

And then he pressed his lips to hers and said no more.

* * *

The following morning, Lavinia sat through a wholly uncomfortable meeting with Lucas, Thomas, Mr. Finch, and Viscount Thurlby. Isaac, she’d been informed, had ridden out early to his vicarage on some church business and would be back later that day.

If Lavinia hadn’t already known that her insistence on being part of the proceedings wasn’t a huge breach of propriety, the meeting would have swiftly clarified that particular point.

Before Lavinia had entered Viscount Thurlby’s study, Susan had pulled her into a small anteroom. “Don’t let them bully you. You are clever and learn quickly. I have observed this about you in the short time you have been with us at Alderwood. And until you marry my brother, the property is yours. They will huff and puff—especially Thomas and Finch—and make you think they are the noblest of gentlemen, freeing you from horribly unladylike undertakings, but you must hold your ground.”

“I’ll do my best, but they are at the advantage in that they understand such things. I have no experience with restoring a farm.”

“I daresay none of them have had the actual experience of restoring a farm themselves.” She’d squeezed Lavinia’s hands. “Now, go remind them you area woman of property to be taken seriously. If anyone can do that, it’s you.”

“Thank you, Susan.”

An hour later, Lavinia wasn’t so sure Susan’s confidence had been well placed.

“You were brilliant,” Lucas said as he escorted Lavinia from the study to a sitting room and ordered tea.

“Hardly,” she replied. Mr. Finch had begun the proceedings by outlining each project that would need to be undertaken, followed by its estimated cost. At the mention of each project by Mr. Finch, Thomas had gone into a detailed description for her benefit in what Lavinia considered a patronizing tone. She had observed that during his pontifications, he’d occasionally shot pointed looks at Lucas, which had suggested to Lavinia that Thomas, as heir to Alderwood, knew of such things in fine detail, but a former soldier couldn’t begin to comprehend the complexities of land stewardship, nor could his betrothed, ignorant female that she was.

“I repeat: you were brilliant, Lavinia. I am personally resolved to remain respectful of your abilities if ever we have occasion to disagree in the future. You were utterly dignified, you would have put a duchess to shame with your impeccable manners, and yet you managed to ask the most salient questions at just the right moments. I wanted to stand and applaud you in more than one instance.”

“I’ve had enough applause in my day, Lucas. And I didn’t precisely endear myself to Thomas, did I? He thinks me impertinent. But it ismyfarm and my home now, so if I must be impertinent, I shall. But so manydetails, Lucas! My mind is a blur.”

“And that is precisely why I suggested Finch make a copy of his notes for you. He should have thought of it beforehand and done it already.”

A serving girl arrived with tea, and Lavinia poured them each a cup after she left. “This afternoon, I will write to my banker and arrange for the necessary funds to be made available so work on the farmhouse can begin,” she said after she’d poured milk into her cup of tea. “Would you like milk? Or sugar?”
