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“I was never so proud of you as when I heard how you stood up to the earl,” Hannah had told her not many days after Delia’s little ruse, when it had dawned on Lavinia that she hadn’t shared that particular nugget with the three of them after everything else that had happened.

Indeed, facing the earl openly had given Lavinia a peace of mind she wouldn’t have had otherwise, she was sure.

“We’re nearly there. Close your eyes,” Lucas said.

Lavinia smiled and closed her eyes.

Lucas kissed her rather thoroughly. “I don’t think I shall ever tire of kissing my wife.”

She laughed.

After a quarter mile or so, she sensed the carriage turn onto the lane that she knew led to Primrose Farm, and then it eventually rolled to a stop.

“You’ve been a very obedient wife so far,” Lucas said. “So I will praise you for it, because I’m no fool, and I don’t expect you will always be so obedient, despite the vows you took earlier today. Let me help you.” He opened the carriage door and put down the steps, then guided her as she descended from the carriage. “Thank you for trusting me,” he said. “You may open your eyes now.”

She opened her eyes.

There before her was the two-story brick farmhouse she remembered—its shape and size. But it was not the same at all, for now the brick exterior was clean, and the doors had fresh paint, as did the shutters that hung alongside new, clear windows, and there were new shingles on the roof. It was utterly normal and completely wonderful.

Lavinia loved it.

“Now, walk with me, if you will, Mrs. Jennings, past these trees. Can you see? Over there.” He pointed.

She looked in the direction where he was pointing, and saw two small stone cottages standing side by side. “A home for the new Mr. and Mrs. Grimmett, and a home for Hannah. I asked her, you know, before we began building, if she would like a cottage of her own, and she said yes—so long as she can visit us from time to time.”

“Foolish woman,” Lavinia said, blinking back tears. “You would think we’d sent her all the way to India rather than down a small lane.”

“She is special to me, Lavinia. She kept you safe and gave you the confidence and the courage you needed to survive all these years, my clever, wonderful girl. How grateful I will always be that an old crone tumbled into my lap and proclaimed me her husband. For now I am.”

“And I am your wife,” Lavinia said. “Lucas, do you suppose any of the trees on our property would be good for climbing?”

“I believe so. Why?”

“Because I think climbing trees and breeches might go together quite well. What do you think?”

He grinned at her. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“It’s a good thing Ruby Chadwick gave hers to me, then, isn’t it?” And then she laughed and dashed off toward the house, Lucas chasing after her, for there was a new house to explore without falling through the stairs and new adventures to be had and a new, normal life to be lived.

And a love to be savored for a lifetime.
