Page 30 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Oh shit.’ Calum balled his fists, his gaze flicking from side to side. ‘What’s he doing here?’

‘Is that Will?’

‘Shit, yes.’ Calum vaulted out of the trench and paced towards Will. Rhona peeked over the edge. A young woman with a baby-carrier strapped to her front was strolling along with him. Calum had turned on the charm and he gesticulated around the far side of the site, drawing their focus away from the dig. He patted the back of the baby-carrier and both Will and the woman smiled.

Rhona frowned as the woman unstrapped it carefully and lifted out a little blue bundle.Aww.She handed him to Calum.What?He cradled the baby and gently stroked his cheek. Rhona’s ovaries burst into life. Her heart fluttered like butterflies were racing inside. Calum looked powerful without being bodybuilderish and the baby was so tiny in comparison. But seeing that wee head nestled in the crook of his elbow was melting her knickers.

What the hell was she thinking? Having a child to unite the warring Matheson and Lamond clans? Mental! She’d gone from playing out a teenage crush to wanting babies with Calum in zero to sixty seconds.No, no, no. Hormones… get back into place! Now!But whatever it was about him that appealed to her on the most visceral level, she couldn’t shake it.

Chapter 10


Angus was like a soothing heat pack, keeping Calum calm. Calmer than any t’ai chi practises he’d tried over the years. If he was annoyed with Will for nosing into his business, no one needed to know. All that mattered was that he kept cuddling this little guy.

‘So, where are you off to now?’ He focused on the little blue bundle cradled in his arm. Angus let out a gurgle.

‘Here.’ Will bounced on his toes. ‘We came to see what was happening.’

‘I just told you.’

‘You didn’t explain why Rhona Lamond was kneeling in a ditch at your feet.’

Calum’s jaw stiffened. He forced himself to breathe in tandem with baby Angus and smiled at him.

‘Will, that’s a really crude way of putting it.’ Morven placed her hands on her hips.

‘Yeah, sorry.’ Will’s cheeks reddened and he smirked at Morven. ‘But you thought it looked suspect too.’

‘No, I didn’t.’ Morven’s eyes flashed towards him then Calum.

Calum raised Angus to his shoulder, inhaling the cotton fresh wash-powder scent from his all-in-one suit. ‘Clearly you’re both suffering from lack of sleep. Now, let’s get Angus back to you, Morven.’ He kissed Angus’s cheek, patted his back, then passed him over. Morven manoeuvred him into the carrier, keeping her gaze low.

‘So, whatisgoing on?’ Will asked.

‘Rhona’s working for me.’

Will raised an eyebrow. ‘How did that come about? You were dead against the idea.’

‘The situation’s changed.’

‘Indeed.’ Will packed the word full of speculation. ‘I see.’

‘I’m quite sure you don’t.’ Calum ran his hand up the back of his neck. ‘Business is business. But for everyone’s sake it’s best if we don’t shout about her being here.’

‘I won’t say a word,’ Morven said.

‘Me neither.’ Will flicked Calum a wink.

Calum glared at his friend. ‘Make sure you don’t.’

‘Has she found anything?’ Will asked.

‘She’s made a few discoveries, yes.’

‘Can we look? Archaeology fascinates me.’

‘Go ahead. You’ll make her day. She’s desperate to make me a history lover but it’s not happening.’
