Page 31 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Sounds very chummy.’ Will smirked.

Was there any point in replying? Will had clearly formed his own idea about what was going on and after the flirting, what could he say?What’s got into me?He didn’t flirt – nope – not him. If he liked someone, he wasn’t afraid to ask them out, but flirting? No. But with Rhona it was almost natural. Fun. Yes, fun.Having fun with a Lamond?What was the world coming to?

They made their way over to the trench and Rhona peered up; her brow furrowed and her focus flickered between Calum and Will. Calum held his thumb and forefinger together forming the ok sign behind Will’s back.

‘Hello.’ Will leaned over the trench edge. ‘Am I allowed in here?’

‘Sure,’ Rhona said.

‘I don’t have to mind my feet, do I?’

‘Only if you love mud as much as Calum.’

‘Funny,’ Calum muttered.

Will jumped into the trench. ‘He’s a terrible clean freak.’

‘Yes, it’s disgusting having a liking for being clean.’ Calum folded his arms. ‘Revolting, in fact.’

‘Shall I help you down?’ Will asked Morven.

‘No, I might get stuck.’

‘This is my wife, Morven. And our son, Angus.’ He beamed at Rhona.

‘Nice to meet you.’ Rhona gave Morven a wave. ‘I’d love a cuddle of the wee cutie but I’m way too mucky.’

‘Eh, where’s my sitting pad?’ Calum glared at Rhona, setting his fists on his hips.

‘No idea.’ Her lashes fluttered and she waggled an eyebrow. Flames licked his insides, waking a sleeping tiger.Christ.He wanted to rip off his shirt, pull her close and kiss her until his breath ran out. Mud and all.

‘Seriously?’ He gritted his teeth and a low growl rumbled at the back of his throat.

‘You had a cushion out here?’ Will barely hid his glee.

Calum scanned the ground. ‘It was not a cushion.’

‘No, it was a pad for his very clean bottom.’ Rhona giggled.

‘Oh, ha bloody ha.’ Calum narrowed his eyes. Teasing usually set him on edge. But the emerging tiger didn’t care. It wanted to ravish Rhona.

‘Oh, Calum. I’m joking.’ Rhona stepped up beside him and prodded his side. ‘I love you really.’

What did she say? His brain was still processing the words when she ducked down and pulled out his rolled-up sitting pad from behind a pile of turf.

‘There’s your pillow. Now you can keep your bottom nice and clean.’

Calum took the kneeling pad from Rhona, not making eye contact with Will or Morven. Glances laden with meaning and intrigue were being exchanged, burning like a hot rod on his back. Rhona beckoned Will to the wall, like nothing odd had escaped her lips, and started to explain what she’d uncovered so far. Calum lay the pad down and shoved his hands into his pockets. How could he get away from here without looking rude or guilty of some unknown crime?

‘Do you allow volunteers on digs?’ asked Will.

‘Yes,’ said Rhona. ‘Sometimes. If it’s a community dig then definitely but with this kind of commercial dig, it’s not really appropriate.’

Calum raised his eyebrows. She’d finally decided something needed to be appropriate, had she? A bit late in the day for that.

‘I’d love to help with something like that,’ said Will. ‘Though it’s not practical just now.’

‘You spend time with your baby. That’s the most important thing.’ Rhona smiled, waving to summon him closer.
