Page 40 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘He’s having to deal witharchaeological conditions.’ Ron air quoted.

‘What the hell is that? You’re not ill, are you?’

‘No.’ Calum explained, carefully skirting around mentioning who was doing the work, and deliberately making it sound like nothing had happened yet.

‘I bet those Lamonds reported you again.’ Anne screwed up her nose. ‘They’ve done shit like that in the past.’

‘Bloody awful people the lot of them,’ muttered Ron.

‘I don’t think they did.’ Calum weighed the thought in his mind. ‘An objection wouldn’t come up as an archaeological condition.’ He frowned. Maybe it would. Maybe it had. His sceptical brain took over for a few moments. Had they interfered? If so, where did that leave him?

‘I saw them at the baking stall.’ Anne rolled her eyes. ‘One of their daughters is back living with them, the youngest one. They’re fawning over her like she’s a princess. She must be in her late twenties by now, but they’re acting like she’s about eighteen.’

‘I heard she was back,’ Ron said. ‘Wonder what she’s doing here.’

‘Not sure.’ Anne rippled her fingertips together. ‘I can easily find out what business she went into.’

Calum cleared his throat, his mind reeling. ‘There’s Will. Have you met baby Angus yet?’

At the edge of the field, Will and Morven ambled around the stalls, Angus strapped to Morven’s front, his little head resting forward, clearly sleeping. The perfect distraction.

‘Aw, yes. He’s such a cutie,’ Anne said. Will and Morven approached. Will waved enthusiastically. ‘He reminds me of you. Never slept at home but the minute we went out somewhere you’d go out like a light. Everyone said what a great baby you must be sleeping like that. But the minute we got home, ping! Your eyes would open and that was it.’

Calum held out his palms. ‘Sorry.’

‘Hello, hello,’ Will said. ‘I didn’t know you were coming, Calum.’

‘Thought I’d drop in for a minute or two.’

‘We’re heading home. Hopefully our little guy will stay sleeping for a bit.’

Anne peered round at the sleeping baby and gently stroked his forehead with a scarlet-tipped finger. ‘He’s a wee angel but if he’s anything like Calum he’ll wake up the minute you get in the door.’

Calum facepalmed and Will chortled. ‘That might be the case, but we’ll see. We need a catch up soon. I’m dying to hear the news from Kilnarkie.’ He winked.

‘Nothing to tell.’ Calum fixed him with a pointed glare. ‘Everything’s exactly as it should be.’

‘That’s something.’ Will grinned.

Angus gave a little cry. Morven stroked his back and swayed him. ‘We should be off and try and get him into bed.’

‘Good luck and see you soon.’ Calum waved them off. ‘I might mingle for a bit.’

‘Ok, son,’ Ron clapped his back.

Throwing his hands into his pockets, Calum strolled around the field, nodding to some familiar faces. Would his mum follow through on nosing into what Rhona did these days? She knew so many people; someone was sure to know Rhona had gone into archaeology. Now he’d mentioned the archaeological condition, it wouldn’t be a big leap to make to place her at the dig. The island wasn’t exactly crawling with archaeologists. At least his parents would never suspect him of teaming up with a Lamond. How unlikely was it? Yet, he’d let it happen. The intense hatred he harboured for that family had mutated into something equally powerful with Rhona but about as far from hate as he could get.

Uh-oh. Blair and Rebekah were heading his way. This time last year, he might have been jealous at the sight of them arm in arm and looking so loved-up. But now? He flexed his fingers. Nothing. His heart was wholly consumed by the woman with the evil surname.

‘Hello.’ He edged towards them.

‘Hi, Calum.’ Rebekah greeted him with a pat on the shoulder.

‘All right?’ Blair said.

‘Yeah, all good, thanks.’
