Page 39 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘See you.’ She raised her hand weakly. Her wrist ached for more of his kisses. But his car door slammed, the engine rumbled and he was gone.Just like that. Wow, ok.After the buzz, the build-up, the feelings she was sure they shared, he was ok with driving off alone.

She wrapped her arms around herself and sat for a long time staring at the sky. Maybe he was the smart one but where did that leave her and her aching heart?

Chapter 12


Calum had crossed lines before. In business, he had to cross lines to get results. He didn’t break the law; he just knew how to make things work in his favour. With Arran he’d broken the karate code and attacked him rather than using the moves for self-defence. Now he’d stepped over a whacking-big line with Rhona.

‘I kissed her, for Christ’s sake,’ he muttered to himself. If he hadn’t done it on her wrist, he’d have planted one on her lips. That would have been worse. Wouldn’t it? Maybe not. Something about kissing her there had been so intimate and erotic. And her reaction. She’d tripped out. Having that power over her from one little kiss was terrifying. But energising. He could give her so much more if she wanted it. ‘Just stop!’ This wasn’t what he was supposed to be doing. He was digging a hole bigger than the trench.

Between Rhona, the dig, and his tenants, he’d clean forgotten about the annual Midsummer fair that Sunday. It wasn’t something he particularly cared about but he liked to show face at events, partly to let people know he wasn’t intimidated by the Lamonds. His parents were the same. The gossips had a field day if Ron and Alister were spotted in the beer tent at the same time.

Ron appeared tough with his burly frame and his tattoos but he was the world’s biggest softy at heart. He cried at the slightest thing on TV and befriended the friendless. He was famous for adopting all and sundry and chatting to everyone wherever he went – as long as it wasn’t a Lamond.

To go or not to go? Rhona might be there. It was in Dervaig, close to where she lived. Message her and ask? No. He didn’t want his text to be misconstrued as anything other than a simple question. She might think he was asking her on a date or because he was desperate to see her again. Which he was. But a move like that? Too blunt. How rich coming from the twat who’d kissed her on the wrist when he should be keeping a professional distance. But the buzz that thrummed between them every time they were close was impossible to ignore.

Arriving late was the best plan – not easy as the fair went on until midnight – but it would mean only a short time there. A bright blue sky heralded a clear evening. Everything was set up outside, including an area for dancing. Good, good. Because the indoor space wasn’t big enough to hide in. Calum sat in the car, listening to the ceilidh music from the field and tapping the wheel. He could do this. Rhona might not even be there. If she was, he’d play it cool. He focused on his breathing for several minutes, then got out and strode towards the field in the evening sunshine.

He visualised Rhona dressed in a sheer white gown, hugging her curves, her long blonde hair flowing around her shoulders and down her back, a circlet of flowers in her hair as she worshipped the sun gods on the longest day of the year. He rolled his neck, alleviating the remaining tension and searching for a familiar face.

‘Hello, son.’ A thick hand clapped him on the back. ‘Long time, no see.’

‘Hi, Dad. What do you mean? I saw you the other day.’

‘Aye, aye,’ Ron said. ‘Because I happened to be passing your office.’

‘I’ve been busy, haven’t I?’

‘No doubt, no doubt.’

‘Where’s Mum?’

‘God knows. Chatting to someone for a change.’

Calum scanned the field, partly looking for his mum but mostly seeking Rhona.

‘What’s going on at the Gruline house?’ Ron said.

‘What do you mean?’ Heavy doom filled Calum’s chest at the mention of the place.

‘I met the tenants and they said there were lots of problems but they can never get hold of you.’

‘Seriously?’ Calum pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘That is utter rubbish. I’m at that bloody house every week about something or other.’

‘I told them you were busy.’

‘I’ve been at Kilnarkie quite a bit. There was an archaeological condition attached to my planning permission, so I’ve been sorting that out.’

‘That doesn’t sound too good. How will you get around that?’

‘I have a contractor.’ He didn’t look at his dad. If he did, he was sure he would somehow betray himself and Ron would know a Lamond was involved. From across the field, his mum’s burgundy hair bobbed into view. She waved before shimmying over in her bright pink outfit.

‘Calum, darling, you look as gorgeous as ever, my lovely, lovely boy.’ She slapped her palms on either side of his face and pulled him down for a kiss. For the first time in a long while, Calum slid his arms around her back and hugged her.

‘Hey, Mum.’

‘Oh, my darling. Is everything ok?’
