Page 50 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Can we get onto that beach?’

Calum pulled a face. ‘You’re such an adventurer.’

‘Is that a yes?’

‘We can’t get the boat up there. So, if you want to try it, we have to row in with the dinghy and we’ll get wet.’

‘I have lots of clothes to change into.’ She grinned.

‘I brought spares too, but I hate getting wet.’

‘Why does that not surprise me?’

He rolled his eyes.

‘Oh, come on. Please.’ She wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind and put her cheek against his, rubbing against his stubble and breathing in the warmth of his aftershave.

‘Ok. But I’ll have to find somewhere safe to moor the boat.’

Once he found a place, Rhona scurried out on deck to help. When he was sure they were secure, he untied the dinghy. ‘My dad normally does this bit.’

‘Shall we take food?’

‘Yeah, I’ve packed a picnic bag. I’ll grab it.’

With some wobbling and lots of laughing they managed to offload the supplies and themselves into the dinghy. In the shelter of the bay, the wind wasn’t as strong but it still took some muscle power to row to the shore.

With his nose wrinkled, Calum pulled off his shoes and socks. Rhona chuckled as he attempted to roll up his tight jeans. They didn’t get further than his ankles. ‘It’s not that funny. You’ll have to do it too.’

‘Can’t I just sit here and you can pull me out?’

‘Oh, anything for you, Miss Lamond.’ He hopped out of the boat, splashing into the water. ‘Bloody hell, it’s cold.’ He grabbed the dinghy and dragged it onto the beach. Rhona squealed.

Her hair twisted and tangled as they laid out the picnic mat. She jumped on it before it could blow away. Calum’s long narrow feet stretched out in front as they huddled close. Rhona leaned on him and he slipped his arm around her. She glanced up at him and before she could think about anything else, his lips were on her. He laid her back, his fingers tracing the contours of her body from her neck, across her shoulder and onto her breasts. He lingered there for a moment before continuing to her waist. They coiled together. The divine taste of his lips, the wind swirling around and the warmth of the embrace sent Rhona whirling into seventh heaven.

‘Are you hungry?’ Calum nuzzled her below her ear and she moaned.


‘Then let’s eat.’ He propped himself on his arms and gazed into her eyes.

‘Eh, I don’t think you got my meaning.’

‘Oh, I did.’ He winked as he sat up and opened the picnic basket. ‘But not out here.’

Rhona stuck close. The wind buffeted around as they ate and her hair tangled with the sandwiches. They kept the food as well covered from the sand as they could. Calum’s crisp packet blew off and he leapt to his feet to chase it. When he finally got back, they didn’t speak but bundled everything away and shoved it in the dinghy. Rhona gaped at her watch.

‘It’s half past two.’ Where had the day gone? The yacht bobbed a little way off and the sea was a lot more hostile than before.

‘Time flies,’ Calum said.

‘Will we make it back to the boat?’ Rhona twisted her hair under her chin as the waves crashed on the shore.

‘We bloody better.’ Calum shouldered the food bag. ‘But we might get wet.’ Once Rhona was in the dinghy, he pulled it into the water again and jumped in. His jeans were soaked to the knees. It seemed to take forever battling against the waves. Spray churned over the side almost capsizing them. Rhona screamed.

‘Keep going.’ Calum jammed his paddle into the water.

Rhona’s arms ached by the time they got close enough to the boat to grab the ladder. She grappled the picnic bag on board and Calum climbed up after and hauled up the dinghy. As he secured it to the back, the boat lurched and spray crashed over the deck, soaking him from head to foot. ‘Holy hell.’ He staggered back. ‘Get inside.’
