Page 51 of A Perfect Discovery

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Rhona scurried to the hatch and opened it. Calum descended after her, dripping like a half-drowned rat. He shook himself.

‘Let’s put the heating on.’

‘There’s heating?’

‘Of course.’ Calum fired up a little radiator. ‘It’s small but it’ll do the trick. Give it a few minutes.’

‘Will we get home tonight?’

Calum ran his fingers through his drenched hair and screwed up his face. ‘I’m not sure I want to attempt it. Not in this wind. We’ll bide here for a bit and see if it dies down.’

Rhona chewed on a cuticle. ‘I don’t mind a storm as long as I’m cosied up safe in my bed. But on a boat?’

‘Well…’ Calum shrugged off his wet jacket. ‘How about a compromise?’

She stopped chewing. ‘Go on.’

‘I can’t change the boat part but we could still get cosied up in bed.’

‘Ooh, Mr Matheson, I thought you’d never ask.’

Rubbing water from his face, he grinned. ‘I need to dry up a bit first.’

‘Or get out of your clothes.’

‘All in good time.’ He opened a door half hidden behind the ladder.

‘What’s in there?’

‘The toilet. And a sleeping area.’

‘Isn’t this the bed?’ Rhona slapped the built-in seat.

‘It’s one of them.’ He disappeared through the door and Rhona pulled off her coat.

He wasn’t gone long. When he returned, he had on sport shorts and a towel across his shoulders. A tight body and shapely pecs greeted her wandering eyes; she followed the thin trail of hair running down the centre of his well-defined abs. She’d snuck a feel of him before through his t-shirt, but all exposed, he was hotter than she’d dreamed.

‘Your turn,’ he said.

Rhona was still ogling him as she slipped through the door into the narrow corridor. At the end was the alternative sleeping area. Calum’s clothes were hanging over a rail. To her right was a door into the dinkiest bathroom area ever. It was moulded to fit the space perfectly. Strip lights reflected off the gleaming white basin surface, toilet and tiny shower cubicle. Rhona had nothing to spruce herself up with but the liquid soap had a fresh enough aroma. The sea air left her hair and skin smelling more amazing than products anyway.

Sitting on the toilet seat, she pulled off her jeans. Her legs trembled and she shivered. Hopefully the bed would be cosy because she was frozen. She emerged in her knickers and her t-shirt pulled low. The jeans were abandoned on the rail in the spare bedroom and she made her way back into the main room, tugging her t-shirt edge as far down as it would go. Calum was straightening out a blanket on top of the bed area.

‘That looks amazing. I’m so cold.’

‘In you hop then.’ He eyed her over and she gave him a shy smile as she shuffled under the covers.

He tossed the towel off his shoulders, and the boat lurched. ‘Whoa.’ He steadied himself.

He was barely under the covers when she pounced on him, straddling him like she’d done in the tree house, only this time she wasn’t planning on being short-changed. His hands slid down her back and settled on her bottom. She crashed her lips onto his, dragging his face close and pouring her soul into the kiss, giving him no reason to doubt how much she wanted this.

With a groan, he nibbled her lip and she squirmed in pleasant surprise. Straightening up, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, letting him get an eyeful, her modesty only covered by her lacy pink bra. He slipped down one strap with his thumb, bent forward and kissed her shoulder.

‘You have a tattoo.’ He ran a fingertip over it.

‘It’s the shell. The one I found in Crete.’

‘It’s cute.’ He caressed it and kissed the crook of her neck.
