Page 52 of A Perfect Discovery

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Her head lolled to the side and her hair trailed across her shoulders and arms as she soaked him in. ‘I wasn’t sure about it.’

‘And I wasn’t sure about you. But now I am. The shell’s beautiful and so are you.’ He pushed off her other strap, freeing her. ‘Everything about you is beautiful.’ He rolled the pads of his thumbs over her breasts and an electric current slammed her stomach. She arched back with a soft cry. His lips found hers and they kissed deeply; their tongues met and more bolts of energy surged through her. His palms were warm and sensual, travelling over her tingling skin. ‘I want you so damned much, Rhona.’

‘Oh god, I want you too.’

He slipped his hand under the pillow and pulled out a foil packet. ‘Best be prepared.’

As he readied himself, Rhona giggled, flicked her hair over her back and plied his muscular shoulder with kisses. This delicious part of his body was so often hidden. He glanced up, shifted his hands to her hips and looked at her.

‘I normally find all this so awkward,’ he said. ‘So much so it’s hardly worth it.’

‘But not this time?’

‘Definitely not.’ He sealed his mouth over hers, drawing her into a long drugging kiss. ‘There’s nowhere I’d rather be.’

The boat lurched, rocking Rhona into an exquisite position on his lap. She draped her arms over his shoulders and leaned her forehead against his. With one arm firmly around her, protecting her from the storm, he used his other to find her sweet spot, teasing her until she closed her eyes and moaned.

‘Calum, please,’ she muttered. ‘I just want…’ She whimpered and her lungs burned as she gasped for air.

He drew her close, holding her, kissing her and nuzzling her neck as she crested the wave. His warm palm glided over her back, inside her knickers. He gently moved them to the side and she shifted. Her whole body tingled, nerve ends alight with desire. When he focused his attention back on her breasts, she almost fainted.

Slowly and gently, he nudged his way home and Rhona sank onto him with a moan. This was the moment. A Lamond and a Matheson were bound as one and, god, it was good. Rhona arched back, tipping her head, frantically chasing the peak of ecstasy. Calum’s breath was ragged as he ground into her, still finding her sensitive spots with his free palm but keeping a firm hold on her. He was all hers and she was his. She threw her head back further, letting out a cry of delight, drowning as great waves of pleasure flooded her body.

Chapter 16


Calum rested back on the headboard. Deep contentment dispersed into his veins. Rhona was motionless on his lap, her arms draped over him. Her breathing tickling his neck, making him twitch. She stirred and softly massaged his shoulder, stroking her palms down his back.

Hyper-aware of how much he would usually hate this kind of thing, he kept his eyes closed and relaxed into her hair, allowing himself to enjoy the warmth of her touch. It wasn’t bad at all.

‘That was good.’ Her words fell like a breeze in his ear and he flinched. She soothed him with a gentle kiss and he sighed. Pure bliss.

‘It was good,’ he murmured. ‘Though maybe a bit quick.’

‘Sorry, I couldn’t wait.’

‘Me neither.’ He twirled her hair around his finger.

‘So it was just right. Exactly what we both needed.’ She held him in her firm embrace. ‘Next time we can perfect our moves.’

He laughed onto her neck and tightened his hold. ‘Deal.’ Possibly the best deal he’d ever struck.

Cuddling was growing on him. And fast. There was something so indulgent about it, abandoning the world and enjoying the dreamy heat and comfort. The boat rocked and swayed, and Rhona pulled out of his embrace. Calum released her without a fuss. If anyone knew how horrible it was to be held in a hug they didn’t want, it was him.

She smiled at him and grabbed the blanket that had fallen on the floor. ‘I’m just getting this. I’m not going away.’

Hoisting it over them, she shuffled in close again. Calum barely had a chance to adjust it to cover them both when she wrapped her arms around him and drew him in tight.

‘I’m really not a cuddler, you know.’ He put his arms around her and stroked her back. She snuggled in.

‘So I see.’

‘You’re corrupting me.’ Right now, he’d do anything she wanted.

‘I need a big strong man to keep me safe in the storm.’

He laughed into her soft hair. ‘You don’t need anything of the sort. But it’s definitely a lot warmer like this.’
