Page 54 of A Perfect Discovery

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Rhona sucked her lip. ‘They’ll probably panic even more if they think I’m stuck out here with you.’

‘Yeah. Sorry about that.’ He peered up at her.

‘There’s not much we can do about it.’

‘Here.’ Calum patted the bed beside him and Rhona huddled in. ‘I could get used to this cuddling thing.’ He gently rocked her in his arms and they sat in silence for some minutes. Rain bounced off the deck above and spattered the tiny windows. The boat lurched.

‘Calum.’ Rhona’s voice was little more than a whisper. ‘What if we come clean? We could tell them the truth.’

‘I was thinking that too. But how? What if our families disown us?’

‘Mine would.’

‘Exactly. Could you live with that?’

‘No. And it’s not just that. They’d find ways to hurt you even more than they do now. They’d never trust your motives. My dad is always talking of ways he can bring you down but so far, he’s only done petty things. I’m scared he’d go all out to get you.’

Calum traced the shell tattoo with his fingertips. ‘I expect you’re right. But I’m more worried about them cutting you off. You’ve always been so special to them.’

‘Ha. Their baby girl.’

‘Exactly. And we don’t know what’ll happen with us. You could leave any day.’

She increased her grip on him, the heat seeping into his cold veins and rushing to his core. How could he bear to lose this?

‘Maybe we should keep things under wraps until we’re clearer on where we want to take this.’ As the words flowed, his heart withered. He wanted to believe it was going somewhere special. Shout it from the rooftops. But instead, he had to sweep it under the carpet. ‘Let’s not make any rash decisions.’

‘Ok… Well, only one.’ She straddled him again and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘I’m not done with you yet.’

His grin flickered and he let it loose. ‘We’ve got all night, so let’s not rush this time.’

This was a gift he wanted to unwrap slowly, savouring every hot second. After Rhona’s insatiable desire the first time round, she’d calmed too and they spent a lazy hour of exploration, letting their fingers, mouths and tongues discover the perfect spots, delivering an oxytocin overload to his system.

Cuddling was his new favourite thing and as the evening rolled on, he was happy to lie wrapped in Rhona’s arms chatting and kissing. The emotional intimacy as powerful as the physical. Eventually, they dragged themselves up and had some food but it was quick. The room had warmed up, so it wasn’t unpleasant out of the bed, but it was nowhere near as enjoyable as being snuggled under the covers, enfolded in each other’s arms, so close they were one – in body and soul.

‘Just as well I don’t get seasick,’ said Rhona as the boat rocked.

‘Would you have agreed to come on a boat trip if you did?’

‘No. That would have been silly.’ She tightened the fleece blanket she’d lifted from atop the duvet around her shoulders. ‘Let’s get back to bed.’

‘I’ll wash up first. I like to keep a tidy ship.’

‘Why does that not surprise me?’

‘You’ll thank me in the morning.’

‘Ok, let me help.’

‘You’re not exactly dressed for it.’ Calum had pulled on his shorts; Rhona hadn’t bothered with anything but the blanket.

She let it drop. ‘I’ll show you I can work just as well like this.’

‘I’m not sure I can though.’ He scanned over her sensational curves.

They cleared up, Rhona distracting him completely. The boat swayed and he steadied himself as he put away the crockery.

‘I hope we’re going to be safe.’ Rhona ran a dishcloth around the rim of a mug.
