Page 59 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Let’s do what you suggested. We see each other but don’t shout about it.’ Cupping her palm around his cheek, she pulled him in for a kiss. He snaked his arm behind her and edged her backwards until she met something solid. Pressing his other hand flat on the wall beside her head, he pushed up against her, still kissing her. His raw masculinity drove her to bursting point.

‘Ok.’ Their noses touched as he spoke. ‘I’d like you to stay for a while but I need to practise. The competition is in three weeks and I’ve been so lax. It’s hard to practise when there aren’t many people on the island to do it with.’

‘If you really want to throw me around, let’s do it.’

He let out a laugh and pressed his forehead against hers. ‘I’m a black belt, remember. I’m definitely not going to throw you around, but thanks for the offer.’

‘How about I cheer you on instead then? I can pretend I have pompoms.’

‘What a vision. But I like it.’ He dipped in and kissed her again. ‘Watch if you like.’

Rhona settled on a mat to watch him thump the dummy, cringing as he kicked and beat it mercilessly.

It developed into a routine over the next few weeks. To stop her parents getting too suspicious, Rhona chose two nights and stuck to them, pretending she was attending a yoga class in Tobermory with Kirsten. Judy didn’t ask any questions and Alister barely lifted his head from his book when she told them she was going, so she assumed they suspected nothing.

She dressed in her workout clothes: black and grey leggings and a matching crop top. Very authentic.

‘How about you teach me some basic moves?’ she asked Calum. He gave her the once over.

‘Your outfits are so distracting.’ He dusted off his palms.

‘How come?’ She glanced down. ‘I thought I looked pretty good.’

‘You look bloody hot, that’s the problem.’ He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. ‘Let’s fight it out.’

‘Seriously? You sure you got the right F word?’

‘For now.’

‘So… You’ll actually teach me?’

‘A few basic moves, yeah.’

She jumped into a fake Ninja pose, crossing her arms in front of her. ‘Then can I take you down?’

‘Er… No.’ He raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips, opening his broad shoulders to their fullest. ‘Well, you could try…’

She giggled. ‘Ok, maybe not.’ She paid close attention as he demonstrated a few basic punches, copying them as best she could, then attempting to throw some punches while he blocked her.

‘This is so much fun.’ She launched another punch at him. He blocked her and stuck his foot out to trip her but stopped.

‘Concentrate. You nearly ended up on your back.’

‘It won’t be the first time.’ She winked.

He smirked and dusted his shoulder before squaring up to her again.

‘Can I come to the competition with you? I’ve watched the practises. I should be there to cheer you on.’

‘I doubt it’ll be the most riveting day for you. It’ll be a lot of sitting around and there’s every chance I’ll get knocked out in round one. I’m not kidding, I’m out of practise.’

‘Please.’ She took hold of his vest straps and pulled him close. ‘I want to. You’re my guy and I want to cheer you on.’

‘Ok.’ He bent in and kissed her. ‘I suppose if we’re on the mainland, there’s less chance of people seeing us out together.’

‘Exactly. We can be free. I can hold your hand in public.’ She’d shout it around town,I love Calum Matheson, if she dared. Her heart fluttered like hundreds of butterflies had taken it over. She did love Calum. If they split now, it would break her, but was there a solution that would let her keep both him and her family?

Whenever she saw Calum, she threw affection at him, with hugs, kisses, sex, positive words, even just smiles. It was her only outlet. At home, she suppressed her feelings, hardly daring to speak in case she betrayed what was going on in her head.
