Page 60 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘It’s a nightmare at home,’ she told Calum as she watched his latest practice. ‘Arran’s coming back this weekend.’

‘Hmpf.’ Calum threw a hefty punch at the dummy.

Rhona groaned and slid down the wall, tugging her knees to her chest. If Arran found out what she was doing here… She covered her face. I can’t bear to think about it.If he met Calum and discovered what was going on, they might try murdering each other again. Arran definitely wouldn’t take the news lying down. If he thought Calum had defiled his little sister, god knew what he might do.

‘Mum’s scrubbed the house so the carpet’s almost threadbare and the paint’s been taken off the walls. She’s obsessed with cleaning.’ Rhona splayed her fingers to watch Calum thrust kick the dummy. ‘You’d think the bloody queen was visiting.’

‘No offence, but he always thought he was royalty the way he strutted around.’

‘Did he? He always looked out for me.’

‘Yeah…’ Calum adjusted his waistband. ‘Listen, I need an early night tonight.’ He smacked his fist into the dummy’s torso. ‘A good sleep is important before a competition.’

‘Ok.’ Rhona dragged herself to her feet. ‘And you’ll pick me up tomorrow?’

‘Bright and early. What have you told your parents this time?’

She sighed. ‘That I’m going mainland shopping.’

‘And they believe you?’


‘Good, so I’ll see you tomorrow then.’

He kissed her goodnight, lingering on her bottom lip before pulling away. Rhona moaned. Saying goodbye even overnight was a wrench. But tomorrow, they’d be together. Alone and free on the mainland. She almost skipped down the stairs.

Chapter 18


The car door opened and Rhona jumped in.Wow.Calum’s jaw dropped. She looked spellbinding in a white gypsy top and floaty scarf. Before he could voice his appreciation, her arms snaked around his neck and she kissed him. He tasted her sweet lip gloss; her smile pressed against him. Whatever happened at the competition didn’t matter if he had this. Except he didn’t. Not really.

‘Let’s go.’ He broke away, running his finger down her cheek. Rhona sat back, her complexion rosy and her lips pink and shimmering. ‘You look gorgeous.’

She blinked, beaming.

‘But you didn’t have to dress up. It’s not televised or anything. Not that I don’t appreciate it.’ He patted her thigh as he pulled off.

‘Any excuse. I spend most of my life in mucky jeans so this is a nice change.’

‘You’re a knockout, Miss Lamond. Whatever you wear.’

‘Oh, Mr Matheson. You’re making me blush. What a charmer you are.’

‘Just telling the truth.’ The empty road twisted before them towards the village of Dervaig. They passed the road to Will’s house and Calum made a mental note to drop in and see him sometime. He’d woefully neglected him and everybody since Rhona took over his world.

He’d already travelled the serpentine-like road between Tobermory and Dervaig to fetch Rhona and seen only a couple of cars. This time, he turned onto the road that crossed the island diagonally, heading towards the ferry port. The sun glowed behind the layer of clouds, promising a warm day once it broke through, not that he’d see it. He’d be either competing or hanging round the sports centre. Hopefully Rhona wouldn’t find it too dull. The chance he’d be knocked out early on was high and that would give them plenty of free time to spend the day together.

‘When we get to the ferry, I have to nip in and see my mum and dad,’ he said. ‘Mum messaged me last night, she’s got something for me.’

‘Ok.’ Rhona smoothed her long skirt.

‘I’ll walk over after I put the car in lane, if you don’t mind waiting.’

‘Of course, that’s fine.’

He passed her a smile full of emotions he wished he could put into words, things he wasn’t sure how to articulate even to himself. He didn’t want a second without her in his life. Her twinkling eyes met his.She understands. I’m sure.Turning his gaze back to the road, he drove on, his chest buoyant and his head light.
