Page 67 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘That was friggin’ hilarious,’ he said. ‘I’m so glad my son’s moves don’t disappoint.’

‘She never said they didn’t,’ muttered Calum.

Rhona trod on his toe.


She glanced up and winked. The ice thawed slightly after Ron’s hysterics and with Calum back among them. Ron’s jolly mood flowed into long stories and he kept them busy all through lunch accompanied by Anne’s eye rolls. Rhona took the opportunity to focus on Calum, trying to telepathically extract the information about why he’d attacked Arran and also hoping to convey a reply to his words earlier. He flicked her a half smile.But he doesn’t have a clue what I’m thinking.She’d have to wait until they were alone.

When they returned to the arena, they didn’t have long to wait before the first semi-final. Calum came out with his eyes fixed forward, fists clenched at his sides.

Rhona didn’t dare blink, the action was so fast. Calum got one kick in but his opponent was too fast and knocked him sideways with a punch. Rhona winced and Ron groaned. The adjudicator blew his whistle and pointed at the opponent. Rhona’s shoulders sank, but Calum gave his opponent a smile as they shook.Aw.She interlaced her fingers and held them to her chest. He was proud of what he’d achieved and her heart swelled for him. He’d done so well. After the second semi, Calum came on again with the other losing semi-finalist.

‘They play off for third place,’ Ron answered Rhona’s puzzled look.


This time, Calum burst out fighting, he threw a kick and punch so fast the opponent bounced off.

‘That’s my boy,’ Ron snarled. ‘Go for it. Nothing to lose.’

But the opponent was another black belt who clearly knew what he was doing; he kicked back. Ron oohed and sucked in air with a whistle. Rhona kind of understood what Calum was doing. He couldn’t knock this guy out, he was too skilled, but he was landing all the punches and kicks. The plan paid off. When the whistle blew, the adjudicator pointed at Calum and he exhaled visibly, closing his eyes with a grin and tossing back his head. When he opened them, he looked towards Rhona and winked.

She caught it like a lucky charm.I love you.She kissed her cupped fingers. Now, to get hold of the real man, tell him how she felt and get the truth from him.

Chapter 20


The bronze medal swung around Calum’s neck and he straightened it on his chest. This was so far beyond what he’d dreamed of at the start of the day. He still wasn’t sure how it had happened. Just knowing Rhona was watching had spurred him on to do his best.

‘Right, guys, look this way.’ A reporter aimed a camera at them.

Calum smiled so broadly he was sure no one would recognise him. His famous poker face was lost in this achievement. The gold and silver medal winners stood proud beside him. He patted their backs once the snaps were done. What would Will make of this? All the islanders in fact. Maybe his tenants would pay up on time if they discovered their landlord was a karate black belt and a bronze medallist too.

‘Well done, guys,’ he said.

‘You too,’ said the man with the gold, his semi-final conqueror. ‘That was some play-off for third. Great kicks.’

‘Thanks.’ A proud bubble fizzed inside. Those three faces looking down on him and cheering him on meant the world. If only he could make them love each other as much as he loved them.

‘Right, I need all your names,’ the reporter said. ‘And your clubs.’

Calum traced his finger over his medal, reading the words Argyll Karate Competition third place. This was like winning the lottery. The other two medallists had given their names.

‘Calum Matheson. That’s oneLin Calum,’ he said. ‘And I’m not in a club.’ Though maybe he should join one or start one of his own. Would anyone go? He was so unpopular on the island, he could see people boycotting it the second they saw his name. How much of that unpopularity had sprung from the Lamond’s poisonous words?

Back in the locker room, he showered and changed into jeans and a smart t-shirt. Several guys patted him on the back and waved as they went their separate ways. Calum jostled through the crowd until he spied a shiny bald head, a burgundy hairdo and Rhona’s long blonde hair. She turned and spotted him. The sight winded him harder than any of the punches he’d taken. That smile. She could undo him just by looking at him.

He reached her first, dropped his bags and fell into her waiting arms. Not caring who was watching, he bent in and kissed her on the temple. The scent of a warm rose garden engulfed him, blocking everything else. It was just the two of them. Everything was ok; how could it not be? What did it matter who her family were? Or if his parents liked her or not? He liked her and that was what mattered.

Rhona pulled away first, holding his gaze and bouncing like she was desperately trying to tell him something. Had his parents been awful to her? It wasn’t in their nature to be unkind, but mention the Lamonds and it transformed them into terrors.

His eyes strayed to his mum. She stared back, arms folded. He blinked, not wanting to read anything into her look, but his brain had already started the analysis.

She didn’t need to shake her head or open her mouth for him to know what she was thinking.Don’t be duped. You tried to be friends with a Lamond once before and look what happened.

He released Rhona and pulled his parents into a group hug.
