Page 68 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘You did it, son. You did it.’ Ron wiped tears from his face. ‘I couldn’t be prouder.’

‘Thanks, Dad.’

‘Oh god, you’ll make me cry too,’ said Anne.

‘What are you two like.’ He turned back to Rhona and for the first time in a while he caught a glimpse of Arran in her. He’d almost forgotten what his former friend looked like, but something in her expression brought it back. He frowned and rubbed his chin. Arran had moved to the island at the beginning of secondary school, a tough time for anyone. He’d latched onto Calum. Calum wasn’t a threat. Just a quiet, spotty boy who struggled to make friends. That was why Arran liked him. Calum rolled his shoulders. Arran was easily the more adventurous and naturally outgoing. Calum, not so much. When they were on their own, he was charming and they shared a lot of laughs but whenever Arran was in company he showed off, pretending Calum wasn’t his friend and was just a joke. As soon as they were alone again, boom, he went back to normal, like nothing amiss had happened.

Arran hated Calum being better at anything or being first – the reason he’d asked out Hannah McDonald. Arran had no interest in her, until Calum said he liked her. Poor Hannah. She’d also been duped by Arran.

Rhona wasn’t Arran and Calum had to remember that. If he trusted her now and kept on seeing her, she wouldn’t shun him in public. He didn’t want to keep up the pretence anymore. They’d had the last few weeks as a practice and today had been a trial but not a complete failure.

Since leaving school, Calum had done so much to prove he was as good as anyone. He’d made a success of his life. But had he served his sentence or got off scot-free?

If his parents were ok(ish) about this relationship, then Rhona’s could be for her… But would they?

‘Are we going for a meal?’ asked Anne.

Rhona laced her fingers through Calum’s and squeezed gently. He flicked her a quick glance and though she wasn’t looking at him directly, he got her meaning.Let’s go home and celebrate together– just the two of them. He didn’t blame her. It couldn’t have been an easy day. A night alone together would be a relaxing end to a stressful day.

‘Let’s go home,’ Calum said. ‘I’m exhausted after that.’

‘No wonder. Bronze medallist, eh.’ Ron fake-punched him. ‘Here you were expecting to be out in round one and now look at you.’

They headed back to the car, Ron still replaying the day.

‘This’ll keep him going in the pub for several weeks,’ Calum whispered in Rhona’s ear. ‘He loves bragging to his mates.’

‘He’s proud of you,’ she said. ‘And so am I.’

He put his arm around her. ‘Let’s get to the ferry.’

The hulking black and white ship was on its way in as Calum drove into the lane and pulled on the handbrake. He peeped sideways at Rhona and they exchanged another smile, Ron still yapping in the back seat. He didn’t stop as Calum steered onto the boat and even as they got out and shut the doors, he carried on.

Anne rolled her eyes as they made their way to the stairs. ‘This is why I still work. Otherwise, I’d go deaf or die of boredom.’

Rhona giggled and Calum’s shoulders loosened. The thaw was still happening. Slowly but surely.

‘Who’s for a drink?’ Ron said as soon as they got to the upper deck.

‘Sorry, Dad, I need some air,’ Calum said. ‘It was so stuffy in the sports centre.’

‘Me too,’ said Rhona.

‘Ok, off you go,’ said Ron. ‘I’m going to the bar.’

‘I could murder a gin.’ Anne followed him.

Calum nudged open the door and claimed the fresh air; it filled his chest with hope. ‘Sorry about my dad, he talks far too much.’

‘He’s funny.’

‘So… Does that mean you don’t hate him?’ Calum took her hand and they strolled towards the back of the boat.

‘I don’t,’ she said. ‘But it wasn’t the easiest afternoon. It was hard work.’

Calum looped his arms around her waist. ‘I’m sorry you had to go through it alone.’ Should he ask her if she’d heard what he said earlier? Or say it again? ‘I’d like this to be ok… for us at least to try.’

‘I think your parents will come round before mine. Your mum and dad love you so much, they want you to be happy.’ She reached up and traced her finger around his neck. ‘My parents… Well, you saw what they were like after the boat trip. They’re overprotective and rigid about hating you.’
