Page 69 of A Perfect Discovery

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Calum ran his thumb down her cheek. ‘I wish it wasn’t so complicated.’ Her wide eyes bored into his. He dipped in and kissed her, tasting her strawberry lips. She melted into him and he forgot where they were. He gathered her closer, kissing her full on until he couldn’t breathe.

‘I can’t wait to get home,’ Rhona whispered in his ear.

‘Me neither.’ Gently, he steered her around, then stood behind her enveloping her in a hug. Quietly, they watched the view as the wind whistled by. Every so often Calum bent in and kissed her. The great fortress of Duart Castle came into view. They were nearing Mull.

‘You know what I said earlier,’ Calum whispered in her ear. He wanted to say it again but first, he had to discover her feelings. She hadn’t said anything and even in the time they’d been here, she hadn’t spoken. His heart pounded. What if she wasn’t ready for this? Had he pushed her too fast? Maybe deep down she still didn’t trust him. Hell, he’d never explained why he’d beaten up her brother at school and his excuse was bordering on threadbare. She had every right not to want him in the long run. Why was he thinking about inflicting himself on her? After being careful for so long, he’d let himself go. Wasn’t protecting the woman he loved more important than having her?

‘I heard and, well… I need to ask you something.’ He stepped back, releasing her, and leaned on the railing. Her eyes dulled and he was sure he wasn’t going to like it. He was wedged in the corner, quite literally, trapped. His pulse drummed in his ears. On one side, the walkway ran down the ship’s port side. Behind Rhona, the path crossed the ship, meeting a large staircase to the upper viewing deck. Over her shoulder, he spotted his parents coming around the corner on the far side.Shit.Their timing was bloody terrible.

‘Not now.’ He rubbed his chin, dropping his gaze. ‘I want to hear whatever it is but let’s wait until we’re alone.’ As he lifted his head to the side walkway, he did a double take. Blinking, his mouth fell open. A man had come out on deck. He crossed the walkway and leaned his forearms on the railings. The wind ruffled the tufts of blond hair at his forehead as he stared out to sea. The hairs on Calum’s neck raised and he ground his teeth.Surely not?

Perhaps aware of Calum’s stare, the man looked around. Calum stood tall, his jaw stiffening, fists balling at his sides. The man straightened up too and narrowed his eyes. A rush of anger burst through Calum, his pulse hammering in his ears.

‘Arran! What are you doing here?’ Rhona’s voice called out but it seemed far away.

Before Calum could say another word, she ran to him and threw her arms around her big brother.What? No!Calum gaped. Blood rushed from his head, clogging his limbs and numbing his entire body. His chest imploded and he staggered back, colliding with the railing.

Chapter 21


Rhona fixed her arms around Arran’s neck. He was tugging to get away but clinging on might divert his attention away from Calum.

‘Rhona! Let me go, will you?’ Arran laughed, wrenching himself free and rolling his shoulders. ‘Are you trying to throttle me? I know you miss me but seriously.’

Tentatively, Rhona edged back, her focus travelling to where Calum was still standing in the corner. His fist gripped the neck of his shirt. Rhona’s heart throbbed, seeing him alone. Abandoned and forgotten. She was ready for her family to find out about their relationship, but not like this. Arran would flip. Breaking it gently and gradually was the key and she needed to be clear first. Calum’s story was important. Hearing it from him and not second-hand was vital. Who else could she trust to tell the whole truth?

‘What are you doing here?’ She thrust her hands into her back pockets and dragged her gaze away from Calum. ‘I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow?’

‘I got here quicker than I expected. It’ll be fun to surprise Mum and Dad. Mum gets so stressed when she’s waiting for me. This way she won’t have to worry.’ Arran rubbed his fist in his palm and screwed up his face, looking over Rhona’s shoulder.

Shit.It was blatantly obvious who he was glowering at. Blinking, Rhona followed his sightline. ‘Oh, that’s eh… Calum, isn’t it?’ Heat stung her cheeks. Calum ran his fingers around his chin, then turned away to where his parents were approaching from the other direction.

‘Yeah.’ Arran’s jaw set. ‘Calum bloody Matheson.’ He grabbed Rhona’s arm, leading her in the opposite direction. ‘So, have you been shopping or something?’

‘What? Oh…’ What the hell was she supposed to do now? Confessing to Arran wasn’t an option but she couldn’t abandon Calum.

She glanced back at him. He frowned and shook his head.

I’m coming back, wait. Just wait. I need to divert Arran first.Focusing with all her might, she tried to impart the message to him telepathically. Anne and Ron appeared at his side. Anne pursed her lips, looking ready to spit on the ground. She rested her hand on Calum’s back and they stalked out of sight.

Rhona’s ears rang as her heart walloped.No, no, no. Wait. Please wait.Who should she go to? What should she do?

‘Rhona?’ Arran gaped at her. ‘Are you listening?’


‘Have you been shopping?’

‘Oh, er, yes.’ She swallowed.

‘What are you looking at? Was Calum Matheson giving you trouble before I came out?’

‘No, nothing like that.’

‘I hate that dick.’ He put his arm around Rhona’s shoulder, tugging her away from the Mathesons.

‘He’s not that bad,’ Rhona said. ‘I, em, I’ve been working for him, and he’s ok.’
