Page 79 of A Perfect Discovery

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Rhona’s insides froze. Shit. Anne Matheson was across the road talking to someone. She’d turn around any second.I can’t let her see me.She might murder me.

Taking Kirsten’s arm, Rhona pulled her along the brightly painted main street in Tobermory, past the touristy shops, hoping the parked cars would shield her. The door to the Blue Whale Café was in sight. She tripped up the step as she went in.

‘What is going on?’ Kirsten closed the door behind them. ‘Are you ok?’

‘Fine, yes. Let’s get a seat.’ She spied a free table near the counter. Thank god the window seats were taken. She didn’t want to be in full view. But what if Calum’s mum was on her way over for a coffee? Rhona picked up the large menu and propped it at the edge of the table, ducking below it.

Kirsten’s face creased. ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’

‘No,’ Rhona whispered. ‘I’m not. Well, I am… But… There’s something I need to talk to you about.’

The clink of spoons and cups seemed to hush. Rhona peeked over her menu wall. Was everyone listening?

‘What?’ Kirsten frowned and twisted her long dark hair over one shoulder.

Rhona leaned in. ‘Calum.’

‘Oh, I see.’ Kirsten raised an eyebrow. ‘You still crushing on him?’

Rhona propped her chin on her hand with a slow exhale. Confession time had arrived. ‘It’s a lot worse than that. A lot.’

‘Oh no. What’s happened? Another fall out?’

‘No. Well, maybe. It’s my fault. I’ve been seeing him in secret.’ She kept her voice low.

‘Wait… What? You have?’

Cha hadn’t blabbed on messenger then. How well behaved. First time for everything. ‘Yes.’

‘Ok. That’s not what I expected.’

Rhona flexed her toes inside her flat pumps, her limbs were heavy and achy. ‘Don’t get excited. It hasn’t worked out well.’

‘Because of the family feud thing?’

‘Partly. I mean, things were going great. Like really great. I like him. Really, really, really like him. In fact, he even said…’ She rocked her head from side to side, hoping Kirsten could mind read. ‘That he loved me.’ A lump accompanied the words to her throat. Rhona fanned her face, flapping away the pesky prickles rising in her nose and throat.

‘Did he? Wow.’

‘And I believed him.’

‘So, what happened?’

‘I bumped into him when I was with Arran and they got angry with each other. Calum wanted me to tell Arran about us there and then, but I couldn’t. I needed them to get away from each other. I didn’t want them to have another fight. So, I left. I know he’s furious, but what can I do?’

‘Can’t you explain to your family about him?’

‘How can I?’ Rhona grasped her throat. Maybe throttling herself would help. ‘It’s like I have to decide but I can’t.’

‘There’s no easy answer.’

‘They keep telling me Calum’s a brute and he’s violent. Maybe it’s true. He’s always been gentle and kind with me but I’ve heard so many stories about him. Just the other week I saw him tackling bigger guys at karate and winning. He’s a black belt for god’s sake. He’s trained to fight.’ She stopped talking as the server came and took their order. Sucking on her lip, she waited.

Kirsten handed back the menus and the server moved back to the till. ‘Just because he’s good at karate doesn’t mean he’s violent.’

‘But you know what happened with Arran and him at school?’
