Page 80 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Yeah… But…’

‘What?’ Rhona said. ‘You didn’t see what Arran looked like after it happened.’

‘That’s true. I only know what Beth told us.’

‘What did she say?’

‘She said that Arran, sorry…’ Kirsten pulled a face.

‘Tell me. All I know is Arran’s version and I’m not sure I believe it.’

‘From what Beth said, Arran was getting too big for his boots and acting all cool…’ Kirsten fiddled with her napkin.

‘Please, tell me.’

‘Well, your dad was a teacher, so Arran pretty much got away with everything at school – no one dared say anything.’

‘How could I forget? It was so awkward with him working there. Remember, you used to hide when he came to pick me up from your house.’

‘Yes.’ Kirsten smirked.

‘But sorry, carry on.’

‘So, remember, Calum had that terrible acne?’


‘Well, Arran started to disown him. Calum kind of withdrew. But Beth said Arran didn’t just avoid him, he took the piss out of him, calling him names and being really horrible. He picked on all of them at one time or another. There was a girl he liked, Hannah, and Arran—’

‘He snogged her to annoy Calum. I heard about that.’

‘Then Arran dumped her. He teased her and stuff. Beth said Calum was fuming because he heard Arran calling her a slut. Then Arran started picking on Will. He pushed him about, called him names and taunted him. Will couldn’t stop him and Arran kept going for him, trying to be funny but actually hurting him. Then Calum snapped. He punched Arran, then kicked him in the chest and knocked him down the stairs.’

Rhona sank her head into her hand. ‘It sounds horrific.’

‘Beth was traumatised watching it… I was shocked even hearing it. That’s why I remember the story so well. I thought you knew… Sorry.’

‘Not that version. Arran told Mum and Dad that Calum had jumped him on the stairs and it was unprovoked.’ Rhona rubbed her face. ‘I should have known Arran had more to do with it than he let on. Calum shouldn’t have done it but it makes more sense now.’

‘I think they were a bit scared of him after that.’

‘I bet they were.’ She’d seen Calum unleash his power in combat. And, yes, it was a scary sight. She rapped the table. ‘I’ve noticed something this week I hadn’t clocked before: my brother can be so full of himself. But my mum and dad think the sun shines out of his arse.’ She gave a rueful laugh as she said it. ‘But I need to do something about that.’

‘What? Watch the sun rising from his backside?’

‘No. Put him in his place. Put all of them in their place.’ She’d been their baby for too long, listening to her sisters’ verbal sparring and Arran’s boasts, never getting involved, except to beg them to be nice to each other, or help them out of trouble. But not this time. Arran had got himself out of this for long enough. She couldn’t sit back and hope it would mend itself.

‘How are you going to do that?’

‘I’m not sure.’

‘Probably best to be direct. Just spit it out.’


Kirsten dropped Rhona back at her parents’ house later in the afternoon. Her heart thudded nineteen to the dozen.Ihave to do this. I have to do this.She repeated the words over and over. The writhing sensation in her stomach vied for her attention and she inhaled a fortifying breath. Arran first. He was the one most likely to be there. She pushed open the main door. Ahead, through the open interior door, she spied him in the kitchen. A couple of steps in and his voice boomed out, laughing. She peered around the door. Alister sat at the table with his book and Arran was gesticulating as he told Judy a story. He didn’t stop or make any sign of acknowledgement as Rhona entered, he just beamed at their mum, flashing his shiny teeth.

Rhona’s ears were ringing. The easiest thing would be to slip up to her room and hide as she did when her sisters fought. Much easier to hide away and let the war go on around her without interfering. If she said what she wanted to, walls would crash down around her. Did she dare start the tremors? What if it split their family forever?
