Page 92 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘What did he say?’

‘Annike’s been demoted to the trenches.’

‘I like where this is going.’

‘She got fired for misconduct from the management job she got on the back of stealing my work last year.’ Rhona smirked, scrolling onto Facebook. ‘And I might be getting credited with the research after all.’

‘Brilliant. You deserve it. You’re amazing at what you do.’

She nudged him with a smile. ‘Simon says she’s lucky to have a job at all. And if Simon says, then it must be true.’

‘And you’re posting stuff on Facebook to annoy her.’

‘Silly, isn’t it?’ She selected a range of pictures. ‘I’m also posting them because I’m happy. Earlier this year, she almost ruined my career. Now, she’s ruined her own and I’ve got so much to look forward to.’ She gave his knee a squeeze.


‘Exactly. Though rubbing her nose in it is pretty mean. Maybe I shouldn’t.’

‘She probably won’t even look, so you’re not rubbing her nose in it, you’re just celebrating. Celebrating us.’

She rested on his shoulder and he slung his arm about her as they watched for the pyramids.

‘I didn’t fully grasp how close to the city they were,’ Calum said. ‘Or how big they are.’

‘They’re huge. This is so awesome. Isn’t it incredible they were built before the tiny little homestead at Kilnarkie? The people had the skills to do it.’

‘It’s unreal.’

The bus drew up and Rhona got to her feet. Calum waited for a few people to pass and get off first before taking Rhona’s hand. Together they jumped off and goggled around.

‘Wow.’ Rhona’s head was ready to explode at the sight of so much history.

Guards on camels and horseback trotted around, keeping people from getting too close.

‘I take it we can’t climb them?’ Calum said.

‘Would you want to?’

‘Not really. I’ll stick to looking.’

Hand in hand, they strolled around. The magic of being here pervaded every pore and Rhona tweaked her sun hat, closed her eyes and let the sun warm her face.

Calum’s placed a kiss on the warm centre of her cheek. ‘I’d never have thought to come here before I met you. So many things I’d never have done if it hadn’t been for you.’

‘Like cuddling.’

‘Exactly.’ He wrapped his arms around her. ‘I’m sticking with you.’

‘Good, because you’re mine and I’m not letting you go.’

He smiled at her. The shadow of the great pyramid loomed ahead, pointing to the future. When they got home, she was ready to start a new business. Calum had arranged for construction to begin at Kilnarkie at the end of the month. The dream house would be built over the home of their ancestors and together they’d breathe a new future into the place.

He stroked his thumb over the shell tattoo on her shoulder. ‘Maybe I should get a pyramid on mine.’

‘I hated it when I first got it, now it’s like my lucky charm.’

‘It’s so you.’
