Page 14 of Special Agent Storm

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“You figure it’s best to have someone with her tonight?”

“Couldn’t hurt. We did an ultra-sound to check on the baby and everything looks fine, but her blood pressure is slightly elevated, and she seems a bit dizzy. Call me if there’s any change.” Phil stopped and turned. “And, bro, don’t be a stranger. Let’s go have a beer sometime and catch up.”

“You got it.” Kurt watched his friend stride over to the nurse’s station and knew he’d probably have dozens more patients before the end of his shift.

Kurt straightened his back. Making up his mind to be compliant with her wishes, she looked shocked to see him still there.

“You didn’t have to wait.”

Seeing her poor face all banged up, her eye swollen and the enflamed bruising taking on a bluish, purple hue, he had to watch his words and his attitude. His instinct to go to her and wrap her in a bear hug had to be squashed and instead, he held out his hand and said the first thing that came to mind. “I’m sorry, Ruby. Your poor face must hurt like a son of a bitch.”

She shrugged, her shoulders rolling forward as if to ward off his sympathy. “I’ve had better nights. I’ll be fine. You didn’t have to wait.”

“Of course, I did. I brought you here, and I’ll take you home… unless you have someone coming to pick you up?”

She hesitated, and he sensed her indecision. Was he going to get his walking papers?

“Yeah. I called my friend. So, you don’t have to worry. But thanks for all you did. If it wasn’t for you, who knows what would have happened.”

Feeling dismissed, he couldn’t help but add, “You will file a police report, won’t you?”

“Yeah. I have a friend on the police force I’d intended to talk to before this happened, and I’ll mention it when we’re together.”

“Right. Okay. You’re sure I can’t stick around until your ride shows up.”

“No. Don’t fuss. I’m fine. Thanks again.”

Knowing when he’d overstayed his welcome, and that she seemed anxious to get rid of him, he headed for the door. A strange impulse he’d relied on in every battle he’d ever been involved in made him stalk over to the side of the building where the darkness was deepest. There he sat on a bench and watched to see who appeared to pick up Ruby.

Expecting a man to arrive, her partner or maybe husband… though she wore no ring, he settled there to watch over her.

When a taxi drove up, Ruby stumbled from the building and started in its direction. That’s when he lost his cool.

Stalking forward, he threw a twenty into the open window of the vehicle. “Sorry, bud, there’s been a mistake. She’s coming with me.”
