Page 78 of Special Agent Storm

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God, she’d known she had to stop him from being killed. She’d have done anything, including covering his body with her own.

Focusing as hard as she could, she remembered the form of a woman rushing out from the shadows of the dumpster and kicking the killer in the head. Her appearance had possibly saved Ruby’s life. As she concentrated harder, the vivid image of it being a Chinese female coming to their rescue emerged.

“She was Chinese.”

“Yes. I’ve tried to find her. Wanted to thank her. But she’s disappeared. No one had any information on who she was, so I had to give up the search.”

“You believe it was my stalker.”

“I do.”

Ruby thought about his words and realized that if a woman had been keeping close tabs on her, that wouldn’t have freaked her out anywhere near having a male doing the same thing. She’d never have paid any attention to another woman. Then a thought reappeared, and she had to ask.

“Let’s get back to your tale about the young girl from China. What do we have in common that you would even bother to tell me her story?”

“She gave birth to the baby three days ago.”


“It went missing the next day.”

“Oh, that poor girl. Do you know what happened?”

“Only trail we have is the video showing an image of a nurse entering the newborn’s ward who wheeled out the boy’s cart. A Chinese nurse, and upon further investigation, not only was she not employed at that hospital, but she had no reason for retrieving the baby other than for nefarious purposes.”

“You mean she stole him.”

“Yep. From right under everyone’s noses. One minute he was safely in the ward tucked into his hospital bassinet for the night and the next moment gone.”

Before Kurt could carry on, his phone rang, and he stepped out of the room to take the call.

Ruby looked at Neal. “There’s more.”

“Yeah. So… as we mentioned, there have been several babies gone missing over the last year. And unlike you, what’s incredible is that all these mothers have one thing in common. None of them could figure out how they’d become pregnant.”

“Why am I different? I have no idea either.”

“Well, actually we think we found out what happened in your case. Kurt spent some time at the spa you reported being at during the dates you most likely conceived and after talking to one of the women who works there, he was able to gather some evidence.”

Kurt returned to the room in time to hear Neal’s last words. He knelt in front of Ruby and took her hands. “I’m pretty sure you were inseminated during your massage that weekend. There’s a special room where only certain patrons are taken. You were assigned that particular masseur and when we went there to arrest the woman, we found her gone but all kinds of paraphernalia that led us to believe she’d done this more than once.”

“You mean she drugged me and then messed with me?”

“That’s about right.” Neal grinned at her way of putting it. Her words might not have been accurate, but her meaning had been clear.

“No wonder I received this prize for some bogus contest that seemed rather questionable. At the time, I even called to make sure they hadn’t made a mistake. Caro and I had needed that break so badly that we jumped at the chance for free days at such a high-end place.”

Ruby’s head whirled, giddy from the information overload. She had to take time to digest everything she’d heard. Yet one question remained to be answered. “You say those babies from the women involved went missing?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Kurt took over answering her queries.

“Were they all taken by Chinese nurses?”

“So far, we’ve investigated four of the events and the only tie to all of the cases involved is that the babies went missing from the hospitals. We really don’t know if only Chinese people were involved with the kidnappings.”

“Have any of the babies been recovered?”


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