Page 82 of Special Agent Storm

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Chapter Fifty

On the way back to the station, Neal brought up the fact that Amber had been kept under surveillance by her stalker pretty much right up until her birth. “You know that Ruby’s pursuer and Amber’s were collaborating. You saw them together.”

“What are you getting at?”

“I believe it’s how they keep control and know when the babies are born.”

Kurt turned his way. “Yeah, makes sense.”

“Do you think it’s the same lady from Ruby’s case that took Amber’s baby? You saw the video but didn’t make her at the time.”

“It’s possible but I don’t think so. The woman in the video looked heavier and taller than what I remember of the woman outside Molly’s. Since we didn’t get a good view of her face, I can’t be absolutely sure though.”

Neal’s voice rang with gloom. “Other than gathering all the info we have on the case and warning the possible subjects soon to give birth that the babies are never to be left alone, what’s our next move? We can’t take on the Chinese government without proof.”

“I know. Look, as soon as we get back to the office, I’m going to make a call.”


Chang seemed stunned to see Kurt on the video screen and yet thrilled he’d taken the time to catch up. “Hey man, how are you?”

“Great. I need a favor.”

“Of course, you do.” Chang grimaced but couldn’t hold it for long before his grin reappeared.

“I want you to look up this company and see if it’s approachable to just anyone or if a person needs to be referred. I don’t want to make them nervous that we might be onto them, so you have to handle this with extreme caution.”

“What’s it all about?”

“You remember the girl I came over there to rescue a few months ago?”

“Sure. Amber Colt-something. Her father was Governor of Texas.”

“Yes. Amber Colthurst.” Kurt proceeded to give him more details, and when he described the firm, Jia tíng, he got the reaction he expected.

“Aww, man, that’s not right. Of course, I’ll go in and see if I can work an angle. Maybe try and hire them.”

“No, don’t do that or it could tip them off. You’re not their regular client, Chang, a hunk like you. They probably only work with men who’ve never married, rich dudes that want a namesake and are willing to do anything to get one.”

“Hey, I have an uncle who fits that description perfectly. He’s a good guy and will do whatever I ask him to do.”

“Okay, for now, we just want information and not to make anyone nervous.”

“Got it. I’ll get back to you.”

Once Kurt hung up he looked over at Neal. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s too early to go through regular channels, so this is brilliant… if it works. The more information we can gather, the better. Right now, it’s just one man’s word against them. I’ve brought up the files we’ve gotten so far, and we’re going back through some of the videotapes from the different hospitals that the various police departments managed to gather.”

“Have you found anything that might help us?”

“Not really. Both of the videos we received showed that the babies were taken in the dead of night. One was clearly a woman from her build but no facial recognition. The other, it was too dark to make out anything other than a dark shadow. Yet the baby had been removed. It’s freaky, man. To watch as those kids were just whisked out from under everyone’s noses and no one the wiser until it was too late.”

“I know. But considering what kind of crazy world we live in today, I guess it’s possible. As long it doesn’t happen to Ruby’s baby.”

“Right! How many months do we have to break the case and make sure it doesn’t?”

“From what Molly told me, she figures maybe four and a half.”

“Then we better get to work.”

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