Page 81 of Special Agent Storm

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Kurt saw the expression on Chen’s face and believed he was a good man, trying to do the best for his son. “I’m glad you were able to sort out this situation but there have been a lot of babies snatched from women who have no idea what happened to them or where they are now. I need the name of the firm your parents did business with.”

“From what I know, they’re called Jia tíng, which would mean the word ‘Family’ in English. It’s a business that promises lonely, unmarried men who are rich the chance for their own child. Regrettably, there are many who fit that description in my country.”

“You mean they impregnate the women with the sperm of these lonely men, and then bring them back their own child?”

“It’s what I believe.”

“Sweet Jesus! Do you happen to know the address where this syndicate can be found?”

“Only the one in Shanghai. But I believe there are more than this one office.” Chen gestured for Kurt’s cellphone, searched for the address, and then passed it back to Kurt. “I hope you can catch up with these people. I’m ashamed to know that this is being executed by my countrymen.”

Neal, who’d sat quietly throughout most of the conversation, suddenly spoke up, “It’s all about the money, Chen.”

“Yes. I understand there’s a fortune involved for the criminals. But for the men who dream of one day having a son or daughter, it’s a very sad state of affairs.”
