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“Come on Tess, you have to come,” my best friend Courtney whines from the edge of my bed where she’s currently sitting, giving me her best pout. “You know I need you there.”

She’s spent the better part of the last hour trying to convince me to come to a party that I have no desire to go to. But like most things, Courtney rarely ever lets me off easy. It’s been the story of our entire friendship dating all the way back to the second grade.

“I think you’ll be just fine without me. Besides, you already said Bree was going,” I remind her, turning my attention back to my closet.

“You know Bree will be so far up Blake’s ass the whole time I probably won’t even see her. I need you,” she reiterates.

Of course, I know she’s right. Bree, the third part of our little gang, is what some might classify as well, to put it frankly, a slut. She’s one of those girls who chases love like it’s the only thing in the world that will make her happy which makes her a bit flakey in the friendship department.

We both love her in spite of that, though. Because well, she’s Bree, and there’s no one in the world like her.

“Then why even go?” I snag the yellow sundress Courtney wants to borrow, pulling it from the hanger before turning back in her direction.

“Because it’s the biggest party of the summer, not to mention the last, and everyone who is anyone is going to be there,” she says for the hundredth time since she told me about the party last week.

“That’s what you said about the party last month, too,” I remind her, dropping the sundress into her lap.

Because we’re very close in size, we spend more time borrowing each other’s outfits than wearing things of our own. I would be lying if I said my self-esteem doesn’t take a bit of a nose dive every time Courtney walks out in one of my outfits making it look ten times better than I ever could.

She’s all curves and boobs whereas I’m—well, not. Where things cling to her body in all the right places, the same outfit looks more like a sack on me. Of course, in normal girl fashion, she complains about every inch of her body, even though she knows she’s gorgeous. With dark eyes and long dark wavy hair, Courtney is the embodiment of what every teenage girl wishes she looked like. There’s no way she can’t see what everyone else does.

Unlike me…

I’m more of a plain Jane. I don’t go out of my way to look overly done up. I typically keep my long, light brown hair natural, letting it hang straight down my back. Makeup to me consists of a little mascara and some clear lip gloss, and while I love wearing sundresses and cute tops, I never wear anything too revealing—not that I have much to show off anyway.

I wouldn’t say I’m shy necessarily—just a lot more modest than my two promiscuous best friends. While they’re all about boys and having fun, I’m more worried about staying on track to get into Columbia. Considering it’s one of the hardest colleges to get into, I can’t afford to get too distracted.

“Yeah, but this is different,” Courtney huffs, pulling me back to the topic at hand. “Sebastian Baxter throws the best parties in all of the school. And since his parents’ are in London, you know this one is going to be a doozy.”

“Remind me again how we got invited to this party? Neither of us is even friends with Sebastian.”

“No, but Ant is,” she says, referring to her current boy toy, and one of Rockfield High’s most popular athletes, Anthony Treadway. “You know they play football together.” She gives me a knowing smirk.

“Ah yes, how could I forget? The golden boys. The dynamic duo. Eggs and spam and all that jazz.” I roll my eyes, having never cared much for anything sports related.

“Says the girl who’s been infatuated with Sebastian since he moved here our freshman year.” She narrows her eyes at me.

“That was two years ago, Court. I’ve been over that forever,” I lie, knowing that even when my ex-boyfriend Dylan and I were dating I harbored a massive crush on the infamous Sebastian Baxter.

Not that I ever stood a chance of even catching his attention. He’s a year older than me—a soon to be senior—and if there’s one person in the school who’s more popular than Ant it’s Sebastian. Which means he’s constantly surrounded by girls—all the time.

“Come on, Tess, you never do anything with me anymore. Ever since you and Dylan broke up you’ve been hiding out in your bedroom.” She tries a different angle with me.

“This has nothing to do with Dylan,” I immediately object.

“That’s what you’ve said all summer, and yet you refuse to go anywhere you think he might be.”

“He cheated on me, Court, or do I need to remind you of that? “The sting of everything he put me through pushes Sebastian completely out of my mind. “Why would I want to subject myself to a night of watching him flaunt his new girlfriend in my face? No thank you. I’ll be just fine right here.”

“I thought you said it didn’t have anything to do with Dylan.” She quirks an eyebrow at me.

“It doesn’t, but it certainly doesn’t help matters.”

“So what then? You’re just going to sit around here all night watching re-runs of whatever lame ass television show you pretend to find interesting while the rest of your high school years pass you by?”

“Don’t mind if I do.” I plop down at my desk that sits in the corner of my bedroom, swiveling my chair around to face her.

“You’re letting him win, you realize this, right?” she challenges.
