Page 17 of The Road to You

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“I’ll keep that in mind,” I finally respond, swallowing past the knot that has once again lodged itself in my throat.


“So you live in Chicago?” I ask, taking a large bite of pancakes while Kane sits back in his chair across from me sipping coffee.

“Technically yes, though I travel so much for work I don’t know that I would say I actually live anywhere.”

“Kam told me you do some kind of consulting?” I question, having not cared much at the time.

“Risk Management.” He nods, taking another sip of coffee.

“And what does that entail exactly?”

“I’m hired by outside companies to identifythreats, assess thevulnerabilityof critical assets, determine therisk,and identify ways to reduce those risks.”

“I have no idea what you just said,” I admit, a small smile on my lips.

“Yeah, exactly.” He chuckles.

“So you go in and make sure that companies don’t take any unnecessary risks to help protect their business?”

“Sort of.” He nods. “That’s an easy way to put it I guess.”

“And you get to travel a lot doing that?”

“Because I’m not employed by any one company, many of the companies that hire me have offices out of the country. When working with these clients I travel to them for the length of the contract I’ve been hired for.”

“You must see some pretty amazing places doing that.”

“I have.”

“Tell me your favorite place that you’ve been.”

“That’s hard.” He thinks on it for a moment. “I guess I’d have to say my favorite so far is Madrid. I lived there for almost four months last year and really fell in love with it.”

“Doesn’t it feel weird, going somewhere for that long, getting used to the way of life, and then coming back here?”

“Sometimes. Sometimes I’m glad to be home, other times I wish I could go back. It just depends on the location and the job.”

“That sounds incredible though.”

“It really is,” he agrees.

“Did you choose this profession because of the travel opportunities?” I ask, enjoying having a conversation that doesn’t revolve around anything too heavy.

“Yes and no. I didn’t set out with the goal to be a risk management consultant but it turns out I’m really good at seeing the bigger picture. The travelling is just a bonus,” he says, leaning forward to place his elbows on the table. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“What do you do for a living?”

“Oh, well right now I work as a receptionist at my aunt’s salon but that’s not the end goal.”

“What is?”

“I’ll let you know once I figure it out.”

“You went to Southern State with Kam, right?”
