Page 30 of The Road to You

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“You make it all sound so easy.”

“Take it from an old man, some things really are that easy. We just tend to overcomplicate everything.”

“You’re hardly old, Dad.” I knock my shoulder against his, earning me a wide smile. “Look, hardly any gray.” I point to his thick head of dark hair teasingly.

“You are so your mother’s daughter.” He chuckles before falling serious again. “You’ve been through a lot recently, El. And in reality, so has Kane. You lost your best friend but he lost his brother. Maybe this will be somewhat of a healing experience for both of you.”

“But I just got home. What about the job at the newspaper? I’m supposed to be an adult now. You know; job, house, all the things adults are supposed to have.”

“You’ve got your whole life to be an adult, Elara. All of those things will be here when you get back.”

“You really think I should do this?” I can’t believe the turn this conversation has taken. Here I expected my father to talk me out of even considering it. Instead he’s practically pushing me into it face first.

“I do.” He stands, sliding the photo album directly in front of me. “If you don’t believe me, ask your mother,” he says, gesturing to a picture of her smiling on the steps leading up to a tall, mustard yellow house.

Leaning over he lays a soft kiss to my head before grabbing our plates and disappearing into the kitchen.

I spend the next several minutes looking through the contents of a photo album I didn’t even know existed. There are tons of pictures of my mom. In each one she’s smiling, the action so easy and natural that her happiness radiates from all around her.

I always thought my mom was beautiful; tall and thin with long blonde hair and blue eyes that matched the sky, but seeing her like this, as a woman and not just my mother, I’m starting to see her in an entirely different light.

I imagine what it would be like to see all the places she saw, touch the things she touched, and stand in the very place she stood all those years ago. And the more I think about it the more my answer becomes clearer.

Without putting anymore thought into it, I pick up my phone and unlock it, Kane’s message still pulled up on the screen. I type out a quick response, my thumb hovering over the send button for several long moments.

Do I or don’t I?

Am I really going to go to Italy? And if so do I really want to go with Kane? I could always book my own trip–though lord knows I certainly can’t afford something like that right now. Who knows if I ever will be able to.

My dad’s right. I get one chance. I’ve never been afraid to take a chance before and I’m certainly not going to start now. I need to feel like Elara again instead of this hollow skin I’ve been walking around in since losing Kam. And that means I need toactlike Elara again.

I pull in a deep breath and push send, watching my own message appear on the screen below Kane’s just seconds later.

Me: I’m in.

His response comes almost instantly.

Kane: Are you messing with me?

Me: I said I’m in, didn’t I? Unless you’ve changed your mind.

My stomach swirls with doubt. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe he really did ask me never expecting I’d say yes.

Kane: Not a chance.

His response calms the nervous energy buzzing through me slightly but it’s not enough to get rid of it completely.

Me: How long will we be gone?

Kane: About four weeks. Give or take a few days.

Me: Four weeks?

Holy shit. Four weeks in Italy with Kane Thaler? What the hell did I just agree to?

Kane: You can’t back out now. I’ve already bought your ticket.

Me: That quickly?
