Page 31 of The Road to You

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Kane: I purchased it two days ago.

Me: Why would you do that?

Kane: Because I knew you’d come.

Me: There’s no way you could have known that.

Kane: Okay, so maybe I just hoped you would.

Me: I can’t believe I just agreed to this.

I take a deep breath, typing out another quick message before he can respond.

Me: When do we leave?

Kane: Sunday night. I’ll meet you at Arkansas International Airport on Saturday and we can catch a flight back to Chicago from there. We’ll leave for Italy from Chicago on Sunday.

Me: We’re going to Chicago first?

Kane: I kind of need to pack.

Me: Oh yeah, right, of course. Tell me what time and I can book my plane ticket to Chicago.

Kane: Already done.

Me: What? How?

Kane: I’m all over this. Flight leaves for Chicago Saturday at eleven a.m. which is about an hour after my flight is scheduled to land in Arkansas so we should be good.

Dear lord this man wastes no time. Which is the exact opposite of Kam who was so laid back at times. In those moments, getting him to do anything was like pulling teeth. I honestly loved that about him though, except when we were trying to plan anything. Hence why our trip we were trying to plan still hadn’t happened a month after graduation.

And then the accident happened…

I push the thought away, not willing to let myself go there right now.

Me: You have to let me pay for myself.

Even though I know I don’t have the money to pay for everything, I’d feel better if he at least let me pay for my own plane tickets.

Kane: You’re my guest. And before you object again, know that ninety-five percent of this trip will be covered by my contract.

I think over that for a moment, not sure if that’s actually the truth or if he’s only saying that so I don’t fight him on it. Kam used to always pull the same crap with me. Sometimes it’s hard to separate the two in my mind.

Me: That depends. Is it the truth?

Kane: One thing I will never do is lie to you, Elara.

I stare at that message for several beats, somehow able to envision him saying those words to me. How his dark eyes would narrow in on my face as if I’ve seen him do it a million times before even though I haven’t.

Is it weird that I feel like I know Kane a lot more than I should? Or am I just too busy comparing him to Kamden to see I don’t actually know him at all?

The thought is more than a little unnerving.

Me: Good.

I finally type a response, not sure what else to say.

Kane: I will see you Saturday, Elara.

Me: Sounds good. See you Saturday.

Setting the phone back down on the table, I let out a nervous laugh, not able to wrap my head around what I just did. And even though every part of me is filled with uncertainty, I also can’t bring myself to regret it.

Because no matter what happens tomorrow or the day after or the day after that, I never want to look back at my life and feel like I didn’t live it to the absolute fullest. I feel like I owe it to Kamden to do something with the time I’ve been given that he was robbed of.

At the end of the day we never know which moment will be our last. Nothing is guaranteed–especially not tomorrow. Kam’s death taught me that above all else.
