Page 34 of The Road to You

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“We know you didn’t, dear.” My dad reaches across the table and rests his hand on top of hers. “We’re all a bit on edge. A lot has happened.”

“I asked Elara to come to Italy with me.” The statement is past my lips before I can completely think it through and in that instant the entire dynamic of the room changes.

“What?” My mom looks at me wide eyed with confusion. “I didn’t realize you two knew each other. Why would she be going to Italy with you?”

“Because I asked her to,” I state matter of fact. I had planned to tell my parents this regardless but I think maybe my timing could have been a little better.

“And no, we don’t know each other that well,” I continue. “But I spent a little time with her after the funeral where she told me Italy was somewhere she always wanted to go. Then I saw her again on Saturday as she was leaving town, right after I found out I could possibly be going to Italy. She was at Kam’s grave and she seemed so sad. I didn’t really even mean to ask her, it just kind of fell out of my mouth.”

“And she said yes?” my mother questions.

“Not at first,” I admit.

“I don’t understand why it even crossed your mind to ask her.”

“Elara was the most important person to Kam. I feel like I owe it to him to make sure she’s okay. And right now I don’t think she is. I think I can help her. And honestly, I think she can help me too.”

“Well I think it’s fantastic,” my dad weighs in. “Elara is like family. It makes me feel better knowing you two will be looking out for each other.”

“Thanks, Dad. I appreciate that,” I say. Turning back toward my mom, I continue, “It’s not what you’re thinking, Mom.” I feel the need to reassure her even though I know the statement is only partially true. “I just wanted to do something nice for the girl my brother loved.”

“It makes sense,” she admits. “And your father’s right. Knowing the two of you will be looking out for one another does make me feel a little better. Just be careful, Kane. Elara is in a very confusing place right now. I’d hate for you to get hurt.”

“I’m not going to get hurt, Mom. We’re just friends.”

“Things can change rapidly when emotions are running high. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, honey. You always have. But sometimes you get a little blinded by the opposite sex.” A smile plays on her mouth for the first time all evening.

“That’s the Thaler in him.” My father laughs.

“You two are too much sometimes.” I smile, not able to help myself.

“Just be careful, honey.” My mom falls serious once more. “That’s all I’m asking.”

“I will.” I nod only once before standing and excusing myself.

My mother’s warning is still ringing in my ears several hours later as I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to shake the feeling that maybe she’s right. Maybe I’m setting myself up to be hurt. Or maybe, and more likely, I’m setting Elara up to be hurt.

“You’d never hurt her.”Kam’s voice is so clear I would almost swear he was in the room.

“But what if I do?” I voice aloud.

“You won’t.”

“I might.”

“You won’t,”he insists.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because you know how much I loved her.”
