Page 42 of The Road to You

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“I’ve always heard how amazing Chicago deep dish pizza is. Might as well try it while I’m here,” I quickly add.

“Sounds good to me.” He takes the folder back from me once I close and extend it to him. “I’m going to get this ordered, then run down the block and grab some drinks. What can I get for you? Soda? Water? Beer?”

“I could drink a beer.” I chew nervously on my lower lip, wishing I could get my nerves to level out a bit. I feel so up and down and all over the place right now. It’s actually pretty mentally exhausting.

“Beer it is. You’ll be okay for a few?” he asks, tucking the menu under his arm before sliding his cell phone into the back pocket of his jeans.

“I think I’ll survive,” I tease. “I would actually really love to take a shower if that’s okay.”

“Of course. Towels are in the closet in the hallway. It should be stocked with everything you’ll need.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay.” I offer a small wave before turning and quickly making my way down the hall toward the guest bedroom.


By the time Kane returns I’m finished with my shower and curled up on his couch in my favorite plaid pajama shorts and faded Southern State t-shirt scrolling through Facebook on my phone. Truth be told I’m not big on social media but with nothing else to keep my mind occupied I’ve resorted to distracting myself with everyone else’s drama.

“Hey.” Kane smiles as he deposits a couple bags on the island in front of him. “I forgot to ask what kind of beer you like. I hope Blue Moon is okay.”

“Blue Moon is perfect.” I push the wet strands of blonde hair over my shoulders and reach out, taking the beer that Kane’s holding out to me.

“Feeling better?” he asks, opening his own beer before taking a seat on the loveseat directly across from me.

“Tons,” I admit, feeling like the shower was able to wash away a little of the fog that seems to have been settled over me for most of the day.

I had to take a few minutes alone to remind myself that Kane is Kamden’s brother and while I may be out of my mind attracted to him, that’s not why I’m here. Of course that was way easier to convince myself of when he wasn’t sitting right in front of me wearing the insanely sexy smirk he’s currently throwing in my direction.

“What?” I question, suddenly self-conscious under his gaze.

“You just look really cute.” He tips his beer back and takes a long pull.

“Cute?” I repeat, not sure how to take that statement.

“It’s a compliment, El.” He chuckles.

It’s not lost on me that this is the first time he’s called me El–what nearly everyone calls me. It makes me feel good that we’ve at least crossed into somewhat friendship territory. At least enough that he feels comfortable not using my full name.

“I just, I’ve never seen you like this. Wet hair, pajamas, no make-up.”

“You’ve seen me a lot worse,” I interject, slightly embarrassed when I think about how I broke down in front of him several times over the course of that first night we spent together. God I was such a hot mess then. Not that much has changed really. I’ve just gotten much better at pretending.

Kane opens his mouth to say more but is silenced by a hard knock to the front door, followed by the ringing of his doorbell.

“Coming,” he hollers, smiling at me as he climbs to his feet and quickly crosses toward the door.

It’s less than a minute before he reappears, dropping a large pizza box, a couple plates, and some napkins on the glass coffee table in front of me.

“Dinner is served,” he announces proudly, this time taking the seat next to me rather than across from me.

We spend the next hour eating pizza–which is probably the best pizza I’ve ever eaten in my life, drinking beer, and watchingBeat Bobby Flayon Food Network. I was surprised to learn that he actually loves cooking shows and taught himself how to cook when he was in college by watching shows like Iron Chef and Baking Championships.

It’s strange how I feel so comfortable with Kane sometimes and other times I feel like I’ve touched a live wire and can’t seem to get my heart to beat in a normal rhythm again. And while I still feel the energy buzzing through me as we sit next to each other on the couch, it’s not as pronounced as it was earlier which I’m grateful for.

I have to find a way to push past the way Kane makes me feel. I don’t know if it’s the obvious physical attraction or if it’s because he intimidates the hell out of me for some reason. But whatever it is I have to get over it. There’s no way I will last four weeks out of the country with this man when I can barely control myself in the same room with him for one evening.
