Page 45 of The Road to You

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“Elara,” I hear again, the voice able to successfully pull me from the fog, like a beacon calling to me as I try to find my way out of the sea.

“Hey,” I say, my eyes finally focusing enough to find Kane’s gaze.

He’s sitting in the seat next to me, tilted forward slightly so he has a full view of my face. “You fell asleep.” He smiles, gesturing to the window on my right.

I sit up straighter and look outside, surprised to see we are much closer to the ground than when I dozed off.

“How long was I asleep for?” I ask, my gaze going back to him.

“About seven hours.”

“Seven hours?” I question, a bit shocked I was able to sleep so soundly given my surroundings.

“I hope it’s okay I let you sleep. I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.”

“No, it’s okay.” I stretch out, turning side to side to try and work out the stiffness in my back. “I guess I didn’t sleep very well last night.”

“Well considering you were awake before the sun even came up, I would expect not.” He gives me a knowing look before adding, “We should be landing really soon.”

“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” I say, once again looking out the window at the green world beneath us. “Italy.” I smile to myself. “It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.”

“Just wait until you get to see it up close.”

“How quickly do you have to get to work once we arrive?” I ask abruptly, turning back to face Kane.

“I’ll need to be in the office first thing tomorrow morning,” he says, clearly seeing the disappointment on my face that I try like hell to hide. “But we can do a little sightseeing this evening after we get settled. Then tomorrow evening I’m taking you on a beer tasting tour.”

“Beer tasting tour?” I question, not sure I’ve ever heard of such a thing.

“It was the first thing I did the first time I came to Milan. It’s a great way to get out and experience the city a little. They have microbrews all around and a guide will take us on a walking tour where you’ll get to try different beers and appetizers. They take you right along the canal too which is honestly like a scene from a movie.”

“Sounds incredible.”

“It really is,” he agrees. “I can also make arrangements for you to visit Manarola in the next few days.”

“You don’t have to do all that. I can manage on my own.”

“No offense, Elara, but you’re in a strange country for the very first time. It would make me feel a lot better if you let me help you navigate your visit here.”

“You could always come with me,” I say, but not really sure if I meant to.

“To Manarola?” he asks, a small grin playing on his mouth.

“Have you ever been?”

“I have not.”

“Then you should come. It will be something new for the both of us.”

“I’d like that.” His smile widens. “We could make plans to stay a weekend there so you can really get the true feel of the area.”

“Sounds perfect.” I smile, the fluttery feeling in my belly becoming even more prominent.


“Well, this is it.” Kane opens the door to the apartment we will be staying in, waiting for me to step through the doorway before following me inside.

I pause in the foyer, taking in the small space. It’s modern and clean but also full of Old Italian charm which I’m very happy to see. I was hoping to get the full Italian experience and it’s clear that is exactly what I’m going to get. The door ways are incredible arches and the wall that runs along the back of the living space is covered in deep red wallpaper that for some reason screams Italy to me. The furniture is stark white with end tables that look like something out of an art gallery.
