Page 55 of The Road to You

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“I guess we will.” I force an easy smile before turning my gaze back out the window, praying to the heavens above that we get there soon.

I’m not sure how much longer I can sit in the close confines of this car with Kane. Not with the way he keeps looking at me, the way he keeps squeezing my hand–not for one second releasing it, or the way his incredible scent fills the space. It’s all I can do to keep myself rooted in my seat, knowing that once I act, there’s no going back.

Kane is all I have left of Kam and no matter how twisted up he has me inside, I’m not ready to risk losing that just yet. Another hour in this car and I might have a different answer…


“You’re kidding me, right?” It’s the only thing I can say as I step into the small bedroom Kane booked us at a local B&B.

“Just wait until you see the view.” I hear the smile in his voice as he steps up behind me, his body so close to mine I can feel the heat radiating from it.

“The view? Kane, look around,” I say, spinning to face him. “There’s only one room. The whole thing is one room,” I explain, feeling like any rational person would understand my issue.

“I’m aware.” He chuckles, dropping both of our duffels on the full size bed next to us.

My eyes dart around the space again, my heart hammering a million miles a minute. It’s one thing to be forced to exist in a small one bedroom apartment. That alone is difficult enough. Now he expects me to spend the next three days in a small bedroom with an even smaller bathroom. Forget about a couch or separate living spaces. Hell, there’s hardly room for the small table and two chairs crammed into the corner.

“Where will we sleep?” I ask, my eyes finding his, humor dancing behind them.

“In the bed,” he says like it should be obvious.

“But there’s only one bed,” I object.

“Again, I’m aware.” His smile widens.

“This isn’t funny.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Oh I beg to disagree. This is quite funny.”

“Are you laughing at me?” I say when his shoulders silently shake. “We can’t sleep there.” I point to the bed.

If it was a king maybe I could see making it work. I could stuff pillows between us or something. But it’s not even close to that size. We will be lucky if we can lie together and avoid touching.

“Elara.” Kane’s expression falls serious and he takes a full step toward me, essentially closing what little space existed between us. “You mean to tell me that you never shared a bed with Kam?” He cocks a brow.

“That was different.” I shake my head.

“How’s it different? He was your friend. I’m your friend. It shouldn’t be any more complicated than that. Unless there’s something you want to tell me,” he pauses, pushing my hair over my shoulder. His hand grazes the side of my neck causing goose bumps to erupt across my skin.

“I…” I start to speak but am too frazzled by his nearness to gather my thoughts enough to respond.

“I promise it will be fine. If it makes you feel better I will sleep on the floor.”

“You can’t sleep on the floor,” I immediately object, gesturing to what little floor space exists.

“I’ll manage,” he insists.

“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”

“Well you seem pretty hell bent on not sleeping together in the bed either.”

“That’s not it,” I start, only to be cut off by him before I can finish my statement.

“Then what is it exactly?” he asks, his dark eyes boring into mine.

“I. I.”

“I promise I will be on my best behavior.” He holds his hands up between us. “Not one part of my body will touch yours, Elara.” he announces and disappointment instantly floods through me.
