Page 56 of The Road to You

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What the hell?

I shouldn’t be disappointed, I should be relieved. So why do I suddenly feel like someone just told the eight year old me that there’s no such thing as Santa?

Then he does something so unexpected my breath hitches and an entirely different sensation runs through me.

He leans forward, his face mere inches from mine, and quickly adds, “Unless you ask me to. Of course.”

With that he grins, announces he’s going to get food, turns on his heel, and marches out of the room.

I don’t know how long I stand there, paralyzed, unable to think let alone move, before his head appears in the doorway, a knowing grin spread across his handsome face.

“You coming or what?”


While I was able to shake off the encounter with Kane in the bedroom, it never strayed far from my mind. After doing a little sight-seeing along the way, we finally stopped and ate at a small local restaurant that specializes in wines, fruits, and cheeses. And while all three were amazing, nothing could top the incredible view of the sea from our table on the outdoor terrace.

After eating, we walked for a good two hours but it felt like much less. Time with Kane passes so easily that sometimes I have a hard time keeping a grasp on it. By the time we arrive back at the small bed and breakfast sandwiched between two tall brick structures, it’s nearly dark and while I feel wide awake, my body feels exhausted.

It takes everything in me to climb the two flights of stairs to our room and once there, the only thing I want to do is to climb into a hot bath and soak for three hours solid. Unfortunately our bathroom is no more than a tiny sink, a toilet, and the smallest shower I’ve ever seen.

The conversation between Kane and me was easy and flowed freely while we explored the city, but the second the door closes behind us the earlier tension returns full force. Or at least for me it does. Kane seems completely at ease, moving around the small space like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“You wanna grab a shower first?” He looks up from his duffel on the bed to where I’ve barely moved since entering the room.

“Um, yeah. That would be great.” I instantly jump into action, deciding that a shower might help clear my head a little.

Grabbing my bag, I quickly disappear inside the bathroom without another word. Once the door is shut behind me, I’m barely able to move around enough to pull the things I need out of my bag. I really should have taken out the things I planned to use and left the bag in the room, but I was so eager to get away from Kane I didn’t think it through.

Even still, I manage okay. I shower first, taking an extra amount of time washing my hair because the hot water feels so good on my skin. Then I set to the somewhat difficult task of brushing my teeth while straddling my bag that I had no option but to leave directly in front of the sink.

After that I dress in a pair of plaid pajama shorts and a pale pink tank. And even though I never sleep in a bra, I decide that given my present company it’s an absolute must. Normally I would refuse to wear such little clothing in the presence of another, but given how hot it is here and that the room is cooled by nothing more than a fan jammed into a small window, it’s likely I will bake if I put any additional layers on.

When I reenter the room, my blonde hair laying heavy and damp down my back, an instant chill runs through me and it has nothing to do with the breeze flowing in from the open door leading out to the terrace. But everything to do with the man standing in that doorway, arms crossed in front of himself as he leans casually against the frame.

Stepping up next to him, I feel his eyes on the side of my face but I keep my gaze forward, taking in the incredible view he tried to tell me about earlier. We’re elevated high up in the valley, an incredible outstretched view of the sea provided. The moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the water in the most breath taking way.

“Well, at least you were right about the view,” I say without actually meaning to.

“I think you’ll find I’m right about a lot of things.” He turns toward me, one side of his mouth pulled up in a playful smirk.

“Adding cocky to the list,” I mumble, smiling to myself.

“What was that?” His smirk stretches to a full blown smile.

“I’m keeping a list,” I inform him casually, turning my gaze back out to the sea.

“Keeping a list?” he repeats.

“Of all the things I’m learning about you.”

“And what’s on that list so far.”

“Nope. It’s a secret.” I shake my head, flipping my gaze to see his eyes filled with amusement.

God, he really is way too good looking for his own good.

“Elara,” he warns, taking my shoulders as he turns me toward him. “You can’t tell a guy you’re keeping a list on him and then not tell him what’s on said list.”
