Page 62 of The Road to You

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“I’m still mad at you.” I huff, dropping down into the seat across from him.

“I didn’t realize you were mad in the first place, so I certainly don’t understand why you’restillmad.”

“Smart ass. It’s going on the list,” I say pointedly.

“After the day I’ve had, not even your lists are going to damper my mood.”

“The day you’ve had?” My heart does a little flip in my chest and my false agitation quickly evaporates.

“I got to jump out of a plane for the first time in my life, only to be attacked in the best way possible the minute my feet were back on solid ground.” My cheeks heat up and I know pink is spreading across my face even though I can’t see it. “And after that, something changed,” he continues. “The wall was gone and for the first time I got to see you. You, Elara. Not the person you try to pretend to be or the one you think you need to be. But you. The real you. And damn if you aren’t even more beautiful than I ever imagined you’d be.”

My breath hitches in my throat and I honest to god have no words to say.

Not a single one.

So I blurt the first thing that comes to mind, “You gonna open that bottle or what?” I point at the wine still sitting unopened in front of him.

He gives me a knowing smile.

“Anything for you.” He tips his chin and gets to work on uncorking the bottle before pouring a generous amount of red wine into both of our glasses.

I lift mine and instantly suck a large gulp back, needing something to calm the nervous energy pulsing inside me. I don’t know when or how things changed so rapidly. One minute we’re strangers on some crazy trip across the world. The next we’re laughing and smiling like it’s always been this way.

“So what did you get?” I point to the bag between us, which smells so delicious it’s a wonder I’m not salivating.


“Pizza?” I question. “All the incredible places you could have gotten food and you picked pizza?” Despite how good it smells, I curl my nose.

“This isn’t just any ol’ pizza, babe. Just wait.” He pulls two containers from the bag and opens both in front of me.

One appears to be a small veggie style pizza topped with a variation of tomatoes, peppers, and mushrooms. The other has fresh herbs, spinach, and something crumbly over the top. Both look incredible and my stomach instantly grumbles. Okay, so maybe pizza wasn’t the worst call in the world.

Kane laughs at my reaction as I moan around my first bite of the herb pizza and then each bite after that. He’s right, it’s not your average pizza.

I smile and enjoy his company more than usual once the wine starts to take effect. Not that I don’t always enjoy his company, but the buzz of the alcohol relaxes me more and I’m able to enjoy him without all the other noise in my head.

I swear I could listen to Kane talk for hours on end and never get bored with a thing he says. Broaching the subjects of ex-girlfriends was the only time I became slightly uncomfortable during the course of the evening, but only because the little green jealous bug in my belly wouldn’t stop dancing.

Needless to say that conversation ended quickly, but not before I learned that he has never had a serious relationship and while he has dated here and there, he hasn’t met anyone that stuck enough to move into what he considers a “real” relationship. Secretly I hope I can change that but then quickly second guess myself for even thinking it.

It’s after midnight before we finally decide to call it a night, by which point my eyelids are so heavy it’s a wonder I’ve been able to keep them open this long. While it’s been one of the best days of my life, it’s also been emotionally draining. Kane makes me feel so many various emotions that by the time my brain is able to process even half of them it’s already overheating and starting to shut down.

I exit the bathroom after washing my face and brushing my teeth, wearing a similar pair of pajamas as the night before.

Kane is already in bed, stretched out on his side, no shirt, eyes locked on me.Great.As if it isn’t hard enough to control myself around him, he now has his beautiful chest and abs out on display and I swear it’s like each ripple of muscle is calling “Touch me”with every step I take.

Not sure how to proceed, I hesitate at the edge of the bed.

Last night was easy. Kane shut me out and turned his back on me. And while it bothered me at the time, I now secretly wish he’d do the same thing tonight so I wouldn’t have to stand here looking at him, trying to convince myself of all the reasons this is such a bad idea.

“Come here,” Kane says, sensing my hesitation. He reaches out his arms and I find myself instantly going into them.

He pulls me into a deep embrace, my back to his front, his face nuzzled in my hair, arm locked tight around my waist.

I’m surprised by how easy I find myself relaxing. How quickly sleep starts to muddle my head. How incredible it feels when he whispers in my ear, “Night, babe,” seconds before I peacefully doze off, thinking there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than exactly where I am.

