Page 63 of The Road to You

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I wake abruptly when a cool breeze whips over my body. Blinking into the early morning light, it isn’t until I look around that I realize the breeze is coming in from the open terrace where Kane is once again standing, bare back to me.

His stance is easy, relaxed. I can tell immediately that he’s lost somewhere inside his head. Mainly because when I climb out of bed he doesn’t turn toward me like I expect him to. Deciding a visit to the bathroom can’t wait, I quickly slip inside and do my business–brushing my teeth and splashing some water on my face before re-entering the room to find Kane still standing in the same spot as before. Only this time when he hears me, he turns, a slow grin pulling up the corners of his mouth.


“Good morning.” I grab a throw blanket from the foot of the bed and wrap it around my shoulders before going to him. It may be hot during the day but the morning air is crisp with the cool breeze coming in off the water.

He opens his arms for me and I go right to them, breathing in his scent the moment he wraps me in his embrace.

“You sleep okay?” he murmurs into my hair, turning our bodies so we’re facing the water.

“I did. You?”

“Better than I’ve slept in a very long time.”

I don’t know why but his admission does something funny to my insides. Maybe because I like to thinkI’mthe reason he slept so good. Like maybe somehow I bring him the same semblance of peace that he brings me.

“Good.” I lean my head back and smile up at him. Within seconds his lips find mine, brushing them in a whisper of a kiss that sends my heart once again galloping full throttle inside my chest.

“What’s the plan for the day?” I ask when he pulls back and turns his gaze back out to the sea.

“It’s our last full day here. I thought maybe we could just see where the day takes us.”

“I like that plan.” I tighten my arms around his middle and squeeze.

“You hungry?” he asks, his hand trailing lazily through my hair.

“Starving,” I admit.

I’m one of those people who’s ready to eat breakfast five minutes after waking up. I’ve always been that way, even when I was really little. Kam used to say I was inhuman–that people need at least an hour to wake up before they eat. I always gently reminded him that just because he needed that long did not mean everyone else did.

“I spotted a little restaurant on the corner while I was out getting pizza last night. Thought we could swing in there this morning, get some coffee and a muffin before figuring out the day.”

“Sounds perfect,” I say, before adding, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” His hand is still in my hair and I instantly rethink what I’m about to say. If I ask what’s on my mind, I’m sure it will most likely put a damper on this perfect morning, but because I’m me and the queen of word vomit, I ask anyway.

“What exactly are we doing here?” I lean back slightly just in time to see his expression shift, a shadow passing through his eyes which disappears almost instantly.

“I don’t really know,” he answers after a long beat.

“I just mean…” I hesitate. “You know what, never mind.” I step out of his embrace and quickly go back inside the room, going straight to my duffel bag.

“Elara?” Humor is clear in Kane’s voice and when I flip my gaze up to him, I’m surprised to see he’s smiling. “What are you doing?” He looks at my duffel bag before turning his gaze back to my face.

“Getting clothes to change into,” I say like it should be obvious.

“I mean, why are you all the way over there when you should be right here?” He points at the spot directly in front of him.

“If we’re going to go to breakfast I have to get dressed,” I say, slightly embarrassed that after one incredible day together I’m already pushing him to know where this is going when I’m not entirely sure I know whereIwant it to go yet.

“Elara,” he repeats, his smile firmly intact. “Come here.” He once again points to the ground in front of him.

Letting out a slow exhale, my feet shuffle toward him before my mind has time to process the action. The next thing I know I’m back in his arms, my cheek pressed to his bare chest.

“I don’t know why I asked that,” I admit, keeping my arms at my sides.

“I do.” He drops a kiss to the top of my head before tipping my face up to look at him.
