Page 64 of The Road to You

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“You do?” I ask..

“You’re wondering the same thing I am. Is this about Kam or is this about us?” His expression falls serious, his hand snaking around the back of my neck to hold my head firm so I can’t look away. “And the truth is, Elara; at first I worried itwasabout Kam for me. A way for me to feel closer to him because well, you make me feel closer to him. The night before last, after I kissed you, I realized it had nothing to do with Kam and that made me feel so guilty I couldn’t even look at you afterward.”

Well I guess that explains him shutting me out.

“But then yesterday, when you launched yourself at me and kissed me, all I could think was guilt be damned because there was no way I wasn’t going to explore this with you. Whatever this is.” He runs the back of his other hand down my cheek, his thumb skirting against my bottom lip.

“It isn’t about Kam for me,” I admit, but quickly continue, “I mean, at first it was. But now, I don’t know. Yesterday when I looked at you, you were no longer Kam’s brother. You were Kane. And I liked what I saw.”

“Then keep your eyes open, babe, because it’s about to get a whole lot better.” His smile once again graces his face just moments before he’s bending down and laying a light kiss to my lips.

“Guilt be damned,” he mumbles against my mouth before deepening the kiss. His tongue sweeps against mine in the most delicious motion making my knees wobble slightly.

When he pulls away moments later I’m breathless, captivated, and completely consumed by a man I barely know and yet can’t seem to get enough of. And while there’s still that knot in the pit of my stomach, the one that tells me I shouldn’t be allowed to feel this way, it’s currently being silenced by a pair of incredible dark eyes looking at me in a way I’m quite certain no one has ever looked at me.

My stomach and my heart flip flop in unison.

Oh boy.
