Page 7 of The Road to You

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“I think you’re giving me a little too much credit.”

“No I’m not. Because I know you and I see every day what an incredible person you are. Because unlike your brother, you’re not just determined and intelligent. You’re also passionate and loyal and probably the best person I’ve ever known in my entire life.”

“Probably?” He cocks a brow.

“Okay. Most definitely.” I laugh, leaning my forehead against his shoulder.

“That’s more like it.” He drops a kiss to the top of my head.

“In all seriousness though,” I continue, lifting my face to look up at him. “You’re going to do great things, Kam. No matter what that might be.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?” I question.

“What are your plans after you graduate?”

“The same as they were the last time you asked. I’m still weighing my options.” I smirk, knowing what he’s wanting to know and purposely not saying it.

We’ve talked about the possibility of me moving here after graduation but I have yet to make any promises at this point. It’s something I’ve been considering for the last couple of years, ever since our first summer together. And even though he would be the main reason I would come here, he wouldn’t be the only reason.

I love North Carolina. Over the last couple of years it has come to feel more like home to me than my real home in Arkansas. As of right now, I’ve got my eye on Southern State, the largest community college in the area, and my aunt has already agreed to let me stay with her rent free as long as I’m in school. So everything has already been put into motion for me to move, but I have yet to tell Kam any of this because I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself. We still have an entire year of high school before any of this can be a possibility anyway.

“Weighing options, huh? Care to divulge what those might be?”

“Oh you know, probably go to community college or something comparable to make my dad happy. I’ve been looking at a few places. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“What places?”

“Just a few different ones.” I smile.

“Are you messing with me, El?” He quirks an eyebrow at me.

“Maybe.” I laugh when he lunges for me, pinning me beneath him in the sand.

“You better start talking or I’ll be forced to tickle it out of you,” he warns, smile firmly in place.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh I would.” He lowers one hand to my side and gives it a firm squeeze.

“Kam,” I scream, withering beneath him.

“Start talking.” He laughs when I try to shove him off of me, squeezing my side again when I clamp my lips shut and shake my head no.

“Okay. Okay.” I finally concede when he gets me in the spot right against my ribs that I absolutely cannot stand.

“Well…” He hovers above me, waiting for me to say something.

“How would you feel if we were neighbors for real?” I ask. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as his smile stretches so wide it practically takes over his whole face.

“Seriously? You’re going to do it?” he asks excitedly.

“I think so.”

“Oh no. No I think so here, bean. Either you are or you aren’t. Don’t toy with my emotions.”

“Fine, I am. Happy now?”
