Page 81 of The Road to You

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“Wow. I slept that long.”

“Almost three hours,” he confirms.

“I’m sorry.” I rub my eyes with the back of my hands.

“Why are you sorry?” He chuckles like the notion is absurd.

“You must have been bored to death.”

“Quite the opposite actually. I had the best view in the house.” He takes my hand, entwining our fingers together. “You,” he adds before lifting our adjoined hands and kissing the back of mine.

My heart instantly does that little flip flop it always does whenever Kane says or does something that makes me feel like the world has been rocked under my feet.

“Plus you were drooling which was incredibly adorable,” he tacks on, his eyes dancing with humor when I immediately move to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Shut up. I was not,” I say, mortified at the thought of him watching me drool.

“Relax, babe.” He chuckles, leaning forward to lay a kiss to the side of my forehead. “Totally kidding.”

“Asshole,” I mutter, shoving playfully at him.

“You should have seen the look on your face though.” He pulls back, humor etched into every line of his face.

“Well I’m glad you found it amusing,” I snip, crinkling my nose at him.

“Babe.” He tightens his grip on my hand when I move to pull it away. “Don’t be mad.” He grins wider.

“I’m not mad.” I turn to face him head on. “But that still doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole.” I watch his lip twitch as he fights to contain his laughter.

“I think we established that a while back. Remember your trusty lists.”

“Speaking of my lists, I think I’ve come up with a couple more things to add to it.” I arch a brow at him, letting him know they are not good things either.

“Don’t be like that, babe.” He chuckles softly before taking his free hand and wrapping it around the back of my neck, pulling my face to his. “You know you love me,” he whispers against my mouth before pressing his lips to mine.

And just like that, all is forgiven. And he’s right, I do love him.


“Do you think we could come back and visit again?” I ask Kane, my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

It’s the middle of the night, but neither of us really seems ready to go to sleep and close the door on this incredible day. As if Rome and everything that accompanied it wasn’t enough, Kane made it even better when he shoved my back against the door not seconds after we had stepped inside and dropped to his knees in front of me.

My stomach tingles thinking about the way his mouth devoured every inch of me. From my head, all the way to my toes, there isn’t a place his lips didn’t explore. Needless to say, we’ve made the most of our last night in this tiny apartment.

“Of course.” Kane kisses the top of my head.

“I mean here, at this apartment. I love this place so much.”

“I knew it would grow on you.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “You didn’t seem too fond of it on that first day.”

“I wasn’t fond of the fact that there was only one bedroom,” I correct him.

“And now?”

“I think you know where I stand now.” I slide my hand down his bare torso, loving the way my fingers rise and fall over the ripple of muscle.

“Keep doing that and you’re going to know where I stand,” he warns when my hand slips beneath the sheet.

“This?” I ask innocently, trailing my fingers feather light across his hard length.

“Babe,” his voice low and thick.

“Don’t worry, it’s my turn now.” I push the sheet away and shift my body above him.

My lips start at his mouth before trailing down his jaw, along the base of his throat, kissing each nipple on my decent to his stomach. It takes me a while to reach my destination, the journey slow and torturous, but once I do all bets are off.
