Page 91 of The Road to You

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“Why do you think I kept doing it?” He cocks a brow at me.

“You were testing me?” I question, more than a little surprised when he nods slowly.

“Have been for a while. I needed to know.”

“And you knew I’d break?” I question.

“I knew that eventually you’d show your cards. And today, well you did just that. I knew as soon as I said it, seeing the disappointment on your face, I knew it was more than me backing out of our plans. I just needed you to admit it.”

“You played me.” I shove playfully at his chest.

“I had to know, bean.”

“Then why not come right out and ask me?”

“Because I couldn’t risk it. Probably the same reason you didn’t come clean with me until just a couple minutes ago. We mean too much to each other. Neither of us could risk the other not feeling the same because who knows what effect that would have had on our friendship. I love you, Elara. And while yes, I’m also in love with you, having you as my best friend was so much more important than the chance to have you as my girlfriend.”

“Is that what you think I am now? Your girlfriend?” I say it seriously but I know he can read the humor behind my eyes.

“If that’s what you want to be.”

“Hmm.” I tap my chin, really thinking over my options.

“Shut the hell up and come here.” Kam laughs, grabbing my arm and pulling me flush against his chest.

“Be my girlfriend, Elara. Let me love you the way I’ve dreamt of loving you for the last seven years.”

Everything seems to slow down around us. There is no time, no space, no world outside of this very moment. How we went from our normal tater tot and butter bean banter to looking at each other like we’re seconds away from devouring one another is beyond me. It’s like I blinked and everything changed.

“Okay,” I say only seconds before Kam’s lips find mine again.

“What do you say we get out of here?” he suggests, his hands finding my hips and squeezing.

“Oh no, Thaler, you’re not getting off the hook that easy.” I pull back and give him a wide smile. “I get one go on the four-wheeler.”

“Bean,” he starts to object.

“No.” I shake my head before he can say anymore. “You’ve been driving me around all day like we’re in some altered version of ‘Driving Ms. Daisy.’ It’s cute and all but I wanna have some real fun before we take this baby back to Travis,” I say, patting the seat of the four-wheeler.


“Please, Kam. Just one lap around the trail. I swear that’s it.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re about to take me on the ride of a lifetime?” he questions, laughter dancing through his words.

“Because I am.” I wink, sliding onto the seat.

“Here.” He snags the helmet from the ground and moves to slide it onto my head. “If I’m going to ride with you, I at least need to know you’re safe.” He secures the helmet strap under my chin before finally sliding into the seat behind me. “Don’t make me regret this, bean,” he warns. “Take it nice and slow. No funny business.”

“And here I thought you knew me.” I laugh, feeling his arms latch around my waist just seconds before I fire the engine to life and take off like a bat out of hell.


Present Day

My eyes shoot open and for the tiniest moment I forget what I’m waking up to. The room dark, I blink my eyes–once, twice–and then it all floods back like a wave crashing over me and instantly I feel like I can’t breathe.

I gasp, trying to push the panic away, trying to pull in a breath, but it’s no use. My heart pounds so violently in my chest I feel like it’s seconds away from exploding and there’s not one damn thing I can do about it.
