Page 48 of Tequila Burn

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Chapter Eighteen


“Isaw Hudson on TVon New Year’s Eve. He freaking rocked the house,” Emma says as we sit facing each other on the couch in my living room. We both have a pint of ice cream in our laps.

With everything that’s been going on, I didn’t get to see Emma over the holidays like I normally would, so we decided to have a girls night in to exchange gifts and catch up a little.

“He was amazing, wasn’t he?” I smile around my spoon as I shovel a huge bite of Butter Pecan into my mouth.

“I can’t believe you were there.”

“Neither can I. The whole experience was so surreal.”

It’s only been four days since he went back on the road, yet L.A. feels like a lifetime ago. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how much I miss him every time he leaves. It seems like it only gets worse each time.

“So tell me what happened after the show. Did you guys hole up in a hotel for the next twenty four hours?”

“Pretty much.” I giggle. “Of course that was after Hudson took me to the roof top terrace of the hotel we were in and kissed me as the clock struck midnight. It felt like a scene from a movie.” My cheeks flush just thinking about it.

“Sounds like a scene from a movie.” She sighs. “I’m so freaking jealous of you.”

“You are not. You have Robert. He’s incredible.”

“No, I know that. Of course I do. And I love him more than I thought it possible to love another person. But Robert and I are boring.”

“There’s something to be said for boring.” I wag my spoon at her. “I’d give just about anything to be able to come home to Hudson every night. To have him here when I wake up. To kiss him before I leave for work. Yeah, it’s exciting and different and an experience not many people get to have, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its downfalls.”

“Yeah, I guess. The grass is always greener and all that good stuff.” She swirls her spoon in the ice cream carton.

“What about you? What did you and Robert do?”

“We sat at home and watched the ball drop on television.” She gives me a look that has me bursting out in laughter seconds later. “See, I told you. We’re boring.”

“You’re not boring. You’re married and you’re settling down. I never thought I’d see the day but, Emma Barrett Mills, I think you have officially become a responsible adult.”

“Oh my god, don’t say that,” she whines loudly. “I’m not ready to be an adult yet.”

“Well too bad. It’s already happened. Bout time you accept it.”

“Speaking of adult things.” Emma suddenly looks nervous, abandoning her ice cream carton on the coffee table as she straightens her posture. “I talked to my dad over Christmas and after the duplex project is finished I’m going to be taking some time off work.”

“What? Why? How much time?”

“A few years maybe.”

“A few years?” I gape at her. “I don’t understand. You love working for your dad.”

“I do. But things have changed.”

“What things?”

“I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you.” She gives me a knowing look.

“You’re pregnant.” Right as the words fall from my lips, an instant and a wide smile spreads across her face as she begins nodding.

“Nine weeks,” she confirms.

“Oh my god! Emma!” I toss my ice cream onto the end table before practically diving at my best friend, pulling her into the tightest hug.
