Page 62 of Tequila Burn

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While I’m here to see Hudson and that is my priority, there’s no reason not to take this opportunity to spend some quality time with friends. It’s either that or sit at home moping and I do enough of that as it is. So after Hudson leaves, I’ll be spending the rest of the weekend enjoying the festival with the girls.

It’s not long before we reach my sister and her friend, lounging on the ground next to the gate that wraps around the main stage area. Starr has a beer in one hand, while sipping a shot of moonshine from the other and Chelsea looks like she’s had a bit too much already. Then again, perhaps I have too.

Sandy slides down on the ground next to them and lays back, tucking her hands behind her head like we’re laying on the beach and not at a music festival with thousands of other people.

“Comfy?” I laugh, looking down at her.

“Very,” she purrs.

“Where’s your hottie?” Starr sets her drinks down and leans back, her palms pressed flat against the ground behind her.

“Not here yet,” I say, tugging my phone from my pocket. “I think I’m gonna try to call him.”

“K.” My sister turns her face upward, soaking in the warm sun.

Pulling up my recent calls I click on Hudson’s name and press the phone to my ear, taking a few steps to the side for a little more privacy.

It rings three times before my call is answered, but the voice I hear on the other end is not one I was anticipating.

“Hello.” I recognize Annabelle’s sweet southern drawl instantly.

“Um, is Hudson around?” I stutter, honestly a bit taken back.

Hudson and Annabelle have separate tour busses. If she’s answering his phone that means one of two things–they are already here and for some reason he hasn’t called me and she somehow ended up near his phoneorthey are on the same bus together. Neither thought is all that settling.

“Lennon, is that you?” she purrs and I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from saying what I really want to say.

“Give me that,” Hudson says in the background seconds before his voice comes onto the line. “Lennon?” He seems a little off and instantly dread pools in the pit of my stomach.

“Hey,” I manage to push out without sounding completely bewildered. “Are you guys here?”

“Not yet. Traffic is a nightmare.”

“So you’re on the bus still.” I let the statement hang before continuing when Hudson says nothing, “And Annabelle is there with you?” I question, not hiding the irritation in my voice.

“We’ve had a pretty long drive from Washington so we decided to work on some music.”

“Right.” I nod my head even though he can’t see me.

“Lennon,” he says in a way that tells me he knows exactly where my mind has gone.

“No, it’s cool. I’ll let you two get back to whatever it is you were doing.”

“Lennon,” he repeats more forcefully.

“Just call me when you get here,” I say, tears stinging the back of my eyes.

He says my name again just as I click the end button, but I really couldn’t care less. Maybe it’s unfair of me to react this way. Maybe I’m acting crazy. Maybe I’m irrational and jealous. Maybe I’m the one who has the problem. Or maybe, this isn’t all on me.

I’m jealous because I feel like I have a reason to be. This woman gets to spend nearly every moment withmyboyfriend while I’m lucky if I get to see him once every few weeks. She’s beautiful and talented and exists in the same world as Hudson. A world I’m not entirely sure I belong in. I think that’s been part of my problem all along–feeling like an outsider looking in when all I want to be is part of the group.

My phone starts buzzing in my hand, Hudson’s name flashing across the screen. I quickly decline the call and shove it back into my pocket. It’s only seconds before it’s vibrating against my ass cheek but I make no attempt to answer it.

Adjusting my sunglasses, I make my way the few feet back to the girls.

“You get a hold of him?” Starr asks, looking up at me the moment I approach.

“Yeah, he’ll be here any minute so I’m gonna go ahead and head over,” I lie, needing a few moments to collect myself before Hudson actually does get here.
