Page 63 of Tequila Burn

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“Okay, tell lover boy we say hello.” She gives me a wicked grin.

“I’ll call you in a little bit. Make sure you keep your phone on so I can find you later.” I wait until Starr nods before spinning on my heel and taking off through the crowd.

The tour busses are lined in a gated field several yards behind the main stage and surrounded by tons of security. To get there I have to exit the festival area and walk to the other side of the property. Colton made sure to have a pass waiting on me when we arrived so that I would be allowed access to the bussing area.

When I reach the access point, I hold out my badge for a guard to scan before being allowed to pass through. There are several tour busses lining the field. Some new and flashy with all the bells and whistles and some that look as old as my Nana and even more battered. I guess it just goes to show the variety of artists at a festival like this.

I make my way through the lines of busses and vans, trying to digest my conversation with Hudson. I go back and forth with feeling like it’s all on me. Some days I feel like I’m making something out of nothing. Other days I wonder if I’m ignoring all the warning bells going off in my head at every turn and blaming myself because I don’t want to see what’s right in front of me.

Trust is a fickle thing. It’s hard to earn and even harder to give, especially when that trust has been broken before.

“Well, well, well.” A deep male voice startles me from my thoughts and I look up to see Travis Travers just as he steps off his tour bus.

“Travis, hi,” I stutter, a little caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

He looks almost exactly the same as he did the last time I saw him, yet somehow seems even more attractive. Maybe it’s the baseball hat, maybe it’s the sunglasses, maybe it’s the moonshine, but Travis Travers looks damn good right about now.

“I didn’t expect to see you here,” he says like we’re old friends.

“Yeah. A couple friends and I came up to see Hudson play,” I say, stopping directly in front of him.

“Just Hudson? I mean, he’s good and all but everyone comes for the headliner, right?” He smirks and while some might take the action as cocky, I see the humor behind his eyes.

“That guy?” I swipe my hand through the air. “Haven’t you heard? He’s nothing special,” I tease, not able to tear my eyes away from the gorgeous smile that graces his face.

“Yeah, I heard he’s all hype, no talent.” He chuckles. “So where’s Hudson?” he asks, looking around.

“Not here yet. His bus got stuck in traffic on the way in.”

“Not surprising. Where are they coming in from?”

“Washington State.”

“Damn, that’s a hell of a drive,” he says. “So you’re just waiting around?”

“Pretty much.” I rock back on my heels, hitching my thumbs into the front pockets of my shorts.

“I can keep you company if you want,” he offers.

“You don’t have to do that.” I shake my head. “I’m sure you have way more important things to do and Hudson should be here soon.”

“But he’s not here now. Come on, I don’t go on until ten thirty and to be honest, I’m actually pretty bored. You’d be doing me a favor.”

“And what exactly is it that we would be doing?” I arch a brow at him.

“I was getting ready to take a walk. I’m sick of being cooped up on that damn thing.” He hitches his thumb toward his tour bus which is surprisingly not one of the nicest ones on the lot.

“A walk sounds good,” I agree, knowing I have nothing better to do. Besides, how often does a girl get to hang out with someone as famous as Travis Travers? I may not be a super fan like Starr but I’m also not immune to his charm.

“So, how’s everything with you and Hudson? Things going good?” He waits until I step up next to him before taking his first steps.

“Yeah.” I keep my hands tucked in my pockets and my eyes forward.

“Really convincing there.” He chuckles, shortening his stride to match mine.

“Everything’s great,” I add more enthusiastically.

“Now why is it that I don’t believe you?”
