Page 7 of Tequila Burn

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“I still don’t understand why.”

“Why what?”

“Why you beat him the way you did.”

“Honestly, I wish I had a good explanation.” He blows out a breath, pushing his sunglasses up into his hair so he can meet my gaze. “I saw his lips on you and I fucking lost it. I know that’s no excuse but if you understood how I feel about you, then why I did this would make perfect sense.”

“You thought he was hurting me.” It’s a statement, not a question.

He nods once and reaches for my hand, wrapping his fingers tightly around mine. “I’m so sorry, Lennon. For everything. Please tell me I haven’t lost you over this.”

I stare into his eyes for a long moment, gauging the fear and doubt that swim behind them as I try to figure out how to respond. A part of me wants to launch myself into his arms and never let him go. The other part of me isn’t sure I know what I want anymore.

“I love you,” he continues when I haven’t said anything. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I’m hoping you’ll choose to give it to me anyway, becauseyouare the one I can see forever with.Youfucking own me.” He pulls my hand upward and presses my palm flat against his chest directly over his heart, resting his hand on top of mine. “This is yours. I. Am. Yours.”

Wrapping his other hand around the back of my neck, he pulls me close, dropping his forehead to mine.

“Please tell me I haven’t lost you.”

“You haven’t lost me.” My voice breaks slightly with my admission. An admission I didn’t even mean to make but came out all on its own. And yet oddly enough I know it’s true.

He hasn’t lost me over this. Deep down I know it would never have been over, no matter how prepared I was to wash my hands of him. And while I’m still in shock and upset to learn what I did today, I understand his hesitance to tell me, especially after learning everything I went through with Gage. I don’t dismiss it, but I understand it.

“Thank fuck,” he says, his shoulders sagging as a rush of relief leaves him seconds before his lips press to mine.

I stiffen, not sure if I’m ready to let him back in, but within seconds my body melts against his the way it always has. Even in my anger and confusion, my need for him still outweighs everything else.

“Come on.” Hudson pulls back slightly. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I agree, allowing Hudson to take my keys before guiding me around to the passenger side of my car. “How did you get here anyway?” I ask.

“Colton.” He smiles, opening the car door and waiting until I slide inside before shutting it and crossing to the driver’s side.

“He probably hates me after today,” I tell him once he’s settled into the seat next to me.

“Quite the opposite actually. He was pretty impressed with how you stuck to your guns when he tried to keep you away from the courthouse.” He smirks, sliding his aviators back onto his face.

“Really?” I question, snapping my seatbelt in place seconds before Hudson pulls my car out of its parking spot.

“I believe his exact words were–that girl really loves the hell out of you.”

“I gave him a pretty hard time,” I admit.

“You had a right to. I put you both in an impossible situation. I promise it won’t happen again.” He glances my way briefly before turning his gaze back to the road.

“I just want to go home and forget the last twenty-four hours ever happened. Do you think we could do that?”

“I think that can be arranged. First food, then sleep. You look exhausted.”

“Me?” I question dramatically. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Even though he couldn’t look more handsome if he tried.

It’s clear he’s had one hell of a night, but damn if he doesn’t still look like absolute perfection.

“Is that your way of saying I look like shit?” He chuckles, reaching across the center console to take my hand, entwining his fingers with mine.

“I don’t think it’s possible for you to look like shit.” I roll my eyes, turning my gaze out the window.

“Lennon.” Hudson’s soft voice pulls my attention back to him. “I really am sorry. For everything.”

“I know.” I squeeze his hand. “I am too. For Gage, for running off, for not allowing you to explain...”

“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.” He lifts our connected hands and lays a soft kiss to the back of mine. “This was all on me. All you did was stop me from committing murder, stayed at the police station all night to make sure I was okay, and then refused to let anyone stop you from being there when a judge decided my fate. You fought for me, Lennon. You fought for me in a way I should have fought for you. In a way I will always fight for you in the future.”

“I like the sound of that.” I sigh, settling back into my seat.
